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Everything posted by DIV1D3

  1. Steam has an update on Tuesday? I've never noticed. On the Beta with the Metro skin, and living in Aus with max 600KB/s btw.
  2. Was the FO4 Season Pass not retailing for 30 USD before they updated the price to 60? There be so many very tempting things.
  3. Just do it as if you were going to trade a card, during the trading process you can select your CSGO Inventory and gift the key to them.
  4. Well, since you already have the rest of the content, it only calculates it for TPS, which you don't have. That's why it's so cheap considering you have the regular discount, added on top of the bundle discount. So for anyone else who hasn't already bought the other games, it's still 29 USD for them. However the deal itself is good regardless, you're pretty much getting Boderlands 1 and 2 along with those other DLCs for just 2 bucks more than what TPS is on sale for atm.
  5. @melias24 @alby800 @Bubblewhale @GhostWindGamer ^ The lads. ^ @SAV1OUR Still LTT's favourite Pikachu.
  6. This is common place in advertising, quotes are always taken out of context and a specific part is highlighted to accentuate the product. Cherry Picking is advertising 101.
  7. Just a bit o' sarcasm, I currently have 576 hours in it, so I would definitely recommend it, however it's easy to hand all of your Steam Wallet over to GabeN, even if you don't open cases and the like.
  8. The MWave Group Deals are always nice, there seems to be a lot currently.
  9. I just installed Hotspot Shield and went through with the process, I'll report back when and if they send a code and if it works. I live in Aus btw.
  10. Check the Front I/O connectors, the power/restart connectors may have come loose.
  11. It'll certainly be Vessel exclusive, which is fine imo.
  12. I don't see how everyone is representing 4chan as the most horrible place on the interwebs, it's quite tame to what would be found on uncatagorised webpages and the like. Sure there's gore, hate and porn threads all over, but it's not the most horrible website at all. Anyquaisars, talking about the content on 4chan is just a tad OT, plus some people might get triggered.
  13. Networx is by far the best software utility for monitoring and managing anything that goes through a Cat-5 cable or 802.11.
  14. Holy damn, I might just pick this up because it's so cheap. I have never got into Point and Click games so 5 would give a good basis.
  15. Having "Free-to-Play" tagged onto Forza makes me scared.
  16. Pretty much as you have said, there's no better way to clean them than completely removing all of the keys and individually cleaning them with a cloth or by dumping them into a bowl of sorts. With keys that have stabilisers just go at them from the top and bottom after removing surrounding keys.
  17. I like to use 2 words with either being capitalised or lower case, sometimes related with an underscore in the middle or after along with a 3-5 digit number at the end. Rarely I use another special character at the start of the password, only in cases where I need my password to be secure.
  18. Exactly, you'll only ever experience performance degradation when using analog signals like over VGA or DVI.
  19. And a stray underscore never hurt anyone.
  20. Yeah, as said already, MS Office is far superior, and the features and sleek design of Office 2016 is damn amazing, but Libre Office is such a step up from Wordpad if you're just looking for a free Text Editor. Also, a better alternative to Notepad is simply Notepad ++ if you don't already know.
  21. A 360 emulator? Dear lordy I hope this is legally possible and is completed.
  22. Looks exactly like all the other 20th Anniversary cards, what's so special about this one other than it being a 980 Ti?
  23. Also just keep in mind that some people are just mindless and don't even know that there's a button for sending offers and expect you to post your Steam Trade Offer link. No problem mate. Good luck with trading.