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Everything posted by kilgore_T

  1. cd project red doing a sci fi fps rpg is exciting stuff
  2. agree with worstcaster outer worlds looks so good in my opinion and alien isolation is a cracking game played it right through 4 times now
  3. do not worry Wolfycapt life will throw all kinds of teachers and situations at you that will make you feel like you really didnt know that much to begin with.... and its beautiful
  4. "Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" - the horror elements are incredibly subtle?
  5. i wonder if in the future i will be able to go into used game store and next to the 1000s of used console games on disc i will be able to buy a slip of paper with the serial code for a used digital game inside...steam killed off the second hand pc games market maybe this will rejuvenate it
  6. i was real enjoying it up until l the beacon bug forced me to replay act3 ch3 then my enthusiasm just vanished, beautiful looking game, feels like gears, plays like gears
  7. crysis 3, metro exodus ,resident evil 2 remake, dmc5
  8. not sure tbh, left me feeling meh, and i loved the first 2 looks like the same old same old, but i will still get it
  9. i find it all entertaining, thats the point for me, entertain me LMG lol
  10. kilgore_T

    Doom 3

    it had Carmack magic which is always better than rays
  11. kilgore_T

    PS4 controller

    i dug out an ancient saitek controller and steam recognized it and i could program it through steam
  12. i have noticed performance these days is all about resolution rather than features so most games are a breeze to run at 1080p or even 1440p well until RTX that is
  13. you using any anti virus software other than windows defender?
  14. ye totally agree, where is the creative content? makes me a little sad, but hopefully this is the wake up call for them to get some games out the door and stop relying on all that steam money
  15. Tim Sweeney at gdc yesterday said he especially thanked Sony for some lifting of restrictions or something like that im sure it was in connection with fortnite but these games were sony exclusives so who knows making dem deals with sony cant be cheap but Tim is worth about 7 billion himself so no worries lol
  16. i now deeply regret watching faraaz khan playing the entirety of Detroit last year
  17. been on steam since it launched, I love valve games, i think gaben is a genuinely great dude but valve been sleeping on the job tim and tencent just giving them a little wake up smack,
  18. and you missed my point ... the most influential guitarists of the 20th century didnt read or write music...whether you rate them or not is irrelevant they were the most influential who inspired yngwie to play that guitar? Hendrix
  19. we both have assumptions about which guitar god is more godlike, for me its hendrix for you its Yngwie by the sounds of it, let the age old battle for axe supremacy continue..... just not in this thread man we derailed it enough Hendrix FTW lol
  20. ye sorry for derail .....thread not about this argument
  21. your too funny, you're pulling my leg arent you?
  22. lol ....better than Hendrix and chuck was JUST a blues player ROFL k Hendrix sloppy? man you're funny best laugh i have had in a while