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  1. Having gone through the CCNA courses you are just learning the theory so you can comprehend what you will be doing in the field, its alot of material but well worth knowing. The real world job is way different but knowing the material will make its way easier. I strongly suggest start a study group, its the only way i made it the CCNA curriculum.
  2. Crossover cable or a usb transfer cable.
  3. Doesnt make them correct, remember the web designers probably dont know the difference.
  4. Another vote for power line. FYI for the readers THEIR IS NO SUCH THING AS A ETHERNET CABLE.
  5. How to argue and win, look up toulmin argument on google.
  6. 1. ISP like all companies collect info on you and your network google for some stories. 2. ISP's buy the cheapest hardware and usually the slowest customers will put up with 3. Look up ddwrt and its capilities.
  7. Connecting to console port will give you all the answers.
  8. The biggest reason is privacy, second performance and flexibility.
  9. Look in to EK's aluminium line but hard line is out of that budget.
  10. Shot in the dark, but for check cables and bulk wire check out monoprice.com
  11. A cable splitter will cut the signal strength no matter if you use both sides. On top of that not all splitters are the same, some will not work with digital equipment.
  12. Have looked in to just implementing ether-channel instead of buying bunch of new equipment.
  13. I can give you answers to all those questions but that because is did my own home work