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Everything posted by TimeOmnivore

  1. Competition only works in densely populated areas where companies actually have a reason to invest in the infrastructure needed to compete with an already established company. And even then, without any regulation, they only want to compete in ways to get as much money from you as possible, whilst steadily and continuously pushing the boundary of what's considered acceptable (for examples of this, see: the monetization of the gaming industry).
  2. If only YouTube would experiment on how to improve their site and the user/creator experience rather than on how to fuck things up for everyone even further. If only they had some competition in the user generated video space, but alas - they don't. It baffles me, however, that they aren't trying to actually improve things - one would think making your userbase happy might maybe, just maybe, get them to spend more money.
  3. I wish - the concept is the same (pay a % extra of the cost of an item to the government) - but where VAT is simple and easy to understand (at least in the sense that the consumer just pays what the item is listed for), US sales taxes are a giant clusterfuck and the % you need to pay can change not only by the state you live in, but it can even vary from city to city as well - meaning that you often have no idea how much % tax you will need to add onto the listed price of an item in order to budget correctly (since it's generally way too much work for a retailer to take into account all of the different tax rates in all of the different jurisdictions), which makes our whole system a huge pain in the ass.
  4. To be fair, Spanish is the second most used language in the US, being used by about 1 in 8 people. Also, there isn't an official language in the US, so requiring English courses wouldn't make much sense unless that changed (which is unlikely). While learning some rudimentary English seems like a reasonable thing to do when visiting a country that predominantly uses English - it shouldn't really be a legal requirement, at least in my opinion - especially when there are better ways for police forces to communicate aside from Google Translate, which is unreliable at best and outright wrong at worst.
  5. I might get some flak for this, but it just looks like just another cookie-cutter Halo/Destiny clone with some mild inspiration from Warframe. It might end up being good, but from what I've seen so far, the only feeling it gives me is a solid "meh".
  6. I feel the bigger story here is that some dude may get decades in prison for defacing a few websites - which should not realistically take very long to change them back to normal for any remotely decent web developer. Meanwhile, we have people that rape and murder others only getting months of jail time, if any time at all.
  7. Twitter would be significantly better if they just did the basics right - i.e. just showing the tweets of people you follow in chronological order without skipping over them and not showing the other pointless bullshit in between (such as "[This person] liked [this tweet]", etc.). But getting rid of some of their bias would help out a bit, too.
  8. I support this decision - so long as they give us better means of filtering out stuff we don't care about than what we have now. Also, I wonder if this means they'll be straight up allowing full-on porn/hentai games, now, without the devs needing to create 18+ patches.
  9. Interestingly, Tencent, who owns Epic Games via a 40% stake, also owns 5% of Bluehole, the publishers of PUBG and is looking to expand their stake to 10%, which would make Tencent the second largest shareholder in Bluehole, right behind Bluehole's founder Chang Byung-gyu, who owns ~20%. So when you go high enough up the corporate chain of ownership, this is almost at the point where Tencent is suing Tencent (though not quite, as they don't yet have a majority share in Bluehole). I wonder how they feel about the companies they've invested in/own suing each other. Maybe Tencent will withdraw from its plans to further invest in Bluehole? A rather amusing situation all around - though it should be said that PUBG has pretty much no grounds to win this case and should probably give up at this point.
  10. He was supportive of the initial idea behind GamerGate, that being more/better ethics in games journalism, but was adamantly against the shit show the movement turned into. His argument on the topic being that people should separate the bad apples (the sexists/racists) of a movement from what that movement was actually about. Unfortunately, GamerGate ended up becoming known more for the bad apples than the good people who actually wanted to improve games journalism, so TB got a lot of shit for supporting a movement that most people ended up seeing as sexist and racist. TB was overall a pretty stand up dude. Though when it came to something like politics (namely the 2016 election) he could be a little bit of an asshole regarding people who supported Trump (TB was not a fan) or voted 3rd-party, though that time period passed by pretty quickly.
  11. True, I was thinking more early on when they're just beginning to consider it, before they've completely fallen off the deep end. It's also highly unlikely they would ever play this game anyways. But I am curious as to whether this may cause even one of them may have second thoughts, though I'd guess that's not something that would really be quantifiable, as I doubt someone who was thinking of shooting people at a school would ever disclose that fact if they changed their mind.
  12. As someone who is in no way a psychologist, I'm curious if something like this would help prevent someone from actually shooting up a school, kind of like how games can help some people expel pent-up aggression. This is probably gonna get banned though, because if you think the PR nightmare that was Hatred was bad, this will probably top that several fold. Then again, Americans may be becoming so desensitized to this topic that the outrage won't gain as much traction. Valve is a private company and can ban any game it wants to for any reason. Freedom of expression/speech only protects the authors from legal ramifications (limitations apply) and their works from being banned legally by the government.
  13. What's funny is that these people are complaining about historical accuracy, when women actually did fight in WWII.
  14. Steins;Gate, Steins;Gate 0, Danganronpa 1, and Danganronpa 2 are the first few that come to mind that are on Steam. Also, almost no VNs that I'm aware of have actually been removed yet, they were just threatened and given a 2 week notice to remove any sexual content (without telling the devs what sexual content there actually was and what exactly was infringing on Valve's ToS) - that threat has since been revoked (as far as I can tell) and Steam has said it is reviewing all games that got the notice to ensure they fit within Steam's guidelines. Basically this whole situation was caused on impulse/reflex (common theory is that this was incited by PayPal's anti-porn policy and many VNs having user-generated tags such as 'Nudity' and 'Sexual Content') and everything is now actually being looked at properly by Valve - which probably means everything will be fine since Valve isn't exactly known for curating its store in the slightest. But the fact that this scare occurred in the first place has caused many VN devs to look to other, more reliable platforms to put their games on, such as GOG.
  15. What's hilarious about this is they used to be called Morality in Media - they don't care about sexual exploitation, they're just arrogant prudes who feel like they have the "moral" highground and obligation to dictate what fiction people are or are not allowed to consume. They just changed their name so they would be taken more seriously by larger corporations (e.g. PayPal).
  16. If Valve wanted to just get rid of all games on their platform that had any sort of suggestive content, that in and of itself would be fine - incredibly stupid and shortsighted, but fine. It's the double standard of saying games like The Witcher are fine, but then trying to ban suggestive games with an anime art style whilst only citing "pornographic content" as the reason is the main problem here. Curating their store with strict guidelines isn't a problem, but when you do that completely subjectively and seemingly randomly, you get to the point where developers don't have any idea what is and isn't allowed on the storefront - that's the problem. Don't get me wrong, people would definitely be up in arms if Steam did implement such a drastic change in policy, but Steam would have a much stronger argument if they enforced those changes across the board, without picking and choosing what got to stay and what didn't.
  17. Some updates from a couple of the Developers of these games: Seems Valve may be reversing at least some of their decisions - hopefully they will realize they were being complete idiots and not ban games (that have actual, working executable files and aren't malware) because a few prudes got their granny panties in a bunch.
  18. If only Netflix would implement useful features such as changing video quality manually, playback speed, (and fixing their terrible UI), then CPU utilization being wrong wouldn't really matter.
  19. This post confuses me. You say "watch this", then only link a still image. Also, you posted in the wrong subforum - this doesn't fit in 'Tech News and Reviews'.
  20. Make sure you have Activity History data collection turned off, in the event that it's enabled by default (it may not be, but this is Microsoft)
  21. There's also a Reddit thread on r/LivestreamFail if anyone's curious:
  22. Where did it say they got jail time? All I could see was that they were fined a rather large sum of money.
  23. I hate that people go to jail for dumb shit like this. He broke the law, sure, but something this benign shouldn't be punished with serving time; at worst, he should have just been fined. It would be nice if the only people going to jail/prison were those who caused physical/emotional/mental harm to another person or were a part of government corruption - not copyright infringement and all that other bullshit. Sucks for this guy, but oh well, nothing to be really done about it at this point.
  24. I'd imagine they don't really care if you used a different CPU cooler, they just include this language for extreme edge cases - like if someone uses a stupidly terrible/cheap cooler that causes the CPU to burn out.
  25. Can't say I'm particularly sad about this. Currently using one of their phones (Blade V8 Pro), which I got on sale, - still on Android M and only recently got February's security updates, having previously only had October's. The phone itself works mostly fine, it just has security/update issues and a few missing features (namely system-wide audio balancing). Wasn't planning on purchasing else from them at any point down the line, so this is fine.