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Everything posted by lucky74dog

  1. I got this case because it will do everything I plan to do with this computer. I don't have it yet, but water cooling is planned. (Hopefully it wont take a year :lol: )
  2. Finally, after over a year of waiting, my computer has a graphics card, and that card is a beast! The gigabyte G1 Gaming 970! Here are some pictures! Sorry for the bad quality.
  3. My first (And only) build went very well, except for bad cable management that I later fixed and the mishap I'm going to go into more detail about now. I had already gotten all my hardware tested and in the case, and I was plugging in all of the cables for the front I/O. Everything went well, but soon after I noticed the USB 3.0 connector was sticking out of the motherboard. I took the cable out and proceeded to do the worst thing I could have done, jammed the cable back in as hard as possible. Once again it didn't fit. I continued to jam the cable in as hard as I could until one of my few brain cells fired up and I decided to check the port. One of the pins was bent completely flat against the bottom of the port, but It was still connected. I tried to straighten it up, and maybe it would work. It didn't. The pin snapped off, and now one of the USB ports on my $1000+ computer doesn't work.
  4. When in doubt use an acronym! NG1 Nick(my name) Gaming 1(first build)
  5. My current build is amazing and I love it, and despite being made less than a year ago, can not play any games at good settings. But soon I will have a graphics card! (Hopefully soon, at least)
  6. I can barely run GTA IV at 900p. I think they need to at least get more cheap 4k ready cards ( Maybe even 1080p too) before moving on to 8k, but maybe this could drive prices down.
  7. Cool, but I like the cleaner look of he K70. Also, needs a wrist rest or I wont even consider it.
  8. I hope this technology progresses to the point where a car could be fully functional directly after being taken off the printer.
  9. If 4Mb/s is enough, why don't the give me that, Verizon?
  10. I'm a PC gamer, but if this stops me from playing Gran Turismo, I'm mad.
  11. lucky74dog

    My internet just randomly tripled in speed.

    Still only 3mb/s
  12. My internet just randomly tripled in speed.

  13. I take care of my computer, but I can't say the same for my family. That's why its password protected. No one has ever touched my computer but me. You should see what they did to the family laptop, I fixed it up though.
  14. If I were you, I'd change the background back to default, because some one who hasn't used computers before might get confused when they see hills, instead of a horse.
  15. Both consoles are pretty much the same, but the PS4's OS uses slightly less than Microsoft's, giving it a slight edge in games.
  16. You referred to him as an "it". :lol:
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFJwiILbsdo(<- Linus's video) Because you bought a CD key, you will need to download windows 8.1. I'm sure there is some download link Microsoft Windows website. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/upgrade-product-key-only(<- Download link)
  18. There going to mess this up by having a big focus on touch devices and give us a bad experience.
  19. Linus made a video(Might of been with NCIX) with windows 7, and the installation process is the same with both.