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Everything posted by Belgarathian

  1. PCIe 6 will require optical pathways or for the tracers to be 2cm from the chipset/CPU ?
  2. If I had to back something right now, it would be this. The founding group are certainly interesting... Lets see how this plays out. At least this coin likely won't suffer the same fate that other coins did due to AML/CFT laws and not being able to identify the source of funds or receiver. On top of that, you've got some of the most respected payment networks available so exchange between fiat currency and Libra should be a breeze!
  3. Wouldn't be surprised to see the return of 12c and 16c options if you need to take advantage of 4 channel RAM and 64 PCIe lanes.
  4. Because... Why wouldn't you sell it? By the way the article is written it sounds like he'll have clauses around it's use (has to remain free & open, etc) and he's staying on-board as well. So basically he's making sure that his vision of HIBP continues, but someone else will own and fun the project.
  5. Also far better he sell it (even if it's a paltry sum) than to shutter the doors and lose the important resource.
  6. Given that these only have 40 CUs and RDNA supports 60CUs (64?)... I'm looking forward to seeing what a full-fat 300W monster can do.
  7. Yes, but they use a chipset... If Intel has added thunderbolt to the CPU itself then it would potentially reduce the bottleneck we've seen with external thunderbolt enclosures.
  8. Intel did make a bit show and dance about taking Thunderbolt on-die rather than an external chipset though... Yet to be seen if these new processors include this though.
  9. Sure but their aesthetics are to die for (subjectively) and MacOS is still my preferred OS by a long-shot, particularly with iOS integration.
  10. I'd suggest that Apple went with Intel for Thunderbolt. Not sure if it's on-chip or a separate chipset with the new processors, but if it's on-chip that would explain everything.
  11. Literally most corporates...
  12. Or you know, just bundle the bloody VESA mount and have the stand as an optional $999.
  13. Go for the 2x Vega Pro II Duo with whatever CPU has the 6 channel memory.... That way you'll get the following videos: Pro Display XDR Review How to upgrade a 2019 Mac Pro Mac Pro balls-to-the-wall review Gaming on a 2019 Mac Pro "We overloaded the 2019 Mac Pro" while editing 3-4 8k video streams and mixing 1000 channels of audio New Radeon Pro Vega II Duo review (maybe) Mac Pro process flow video editing/photo/rendering feat Taran Potential for an in-depth review of using the Mac Pro for 1-2 months as the sole editing station for one of your crew using Logic & Final Cut. Gotta maximise the payback if you're going to drop ~$35k USD. I dare you to play Minecraft on 6 Pro Display XDR Side note: there is a rack mountable option, which is the first time that Apple has played in this space since they discontinued the 2011 Xserve platform... Super excited to see the potential for MacOS and Mac Pro as a server.
  14. Okay fair. Privacy from your family. More privacy than Alexa.
  15. Finally with iOS13 the HomePod can identify who is speaking to it, eliminating those embarrassing moments when your 12 year old or family friend can have it read out all your saucy messages or stop your drunk friends sending dirty messages to you mum. This has been a missing feature that competitors have had for an age, so it's good to finally see this come to one of the most competent integrated smart speakers. Now to see if the HomePod can handle multiple Apple IDs as the next step! Edit: as an exciting side bit HomePod can now analyse and store (iCloud 10 days for free) security camera footage as part of Homekit! https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/3/18646067/apple-homepod-ios-13-update-handoff-personalization-features-wwdc-2019
  16. I feel so sorry for Huawei. Literally getting picked on 'cause they're the biggest kid on the block. Interestingly I'd say all this is going to do is make sure that China develops in-house expertise in the areas they currently rely on America for so that America can't do this again.
  17. how the hell do you only have 6gb/month? You can get mobile plans with more than that.
  18. If you didn't see this coming even Stevie Wonder has better vision than you.
  19. What goes around comes around
  20. I really hope the render ends up being the final... Damn that's sexy. Also... RX 3080 XT... Liking RX and XT, but where does the 30 come from. Are they trying to hoodwink Nvidia like they did Intel?
  21. And the USA, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and probably everyone else that can doesn't? ... I'd rather no-one is spying on me with hardware backdoors and mandatory security vulnerabilities thanks. I mean the USA doesn't exactly have a great track record with handling private and sensitive information... I've got my money on Trump starting WW3 when he gets offended by Putin or Jinping and just: