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  1. If hours of entertainment determined price then chess boards would cost many thousands of dollars... Supply and demand are the only factors that determine price.
  2. This reminds me: can someone please tell Linus that "shorting" a stock doesn't mean betting on it short term. It means betting on it falling in price. It is an inverse play, as opposed to going "long" a stock. He had this wrong on a WAN show a few months back and it could be a very costly mistake to make.
  3. I don't understand why the last 6 months has seen such a change in video style. Linus always said their growth has been steady, so why change to this juvenile style? Were subscriptions dropping or something? Maybe i have just gotten too old... but that can't be it as the older videos were objectively different. Is the new style working? Are subscriptions dramatically increasing now?
  4. To be honest if 7 games i played were routinely dropping into the 30's whilst gaming and i had a 6500, the cpu would not be my first thought. That seems very odd that it would be performing that badly. Unless you mean only immediately after loading the game or a level or something?
  5. To be fair, a 1080ti isn't far off 4k@60 at all. Going by anandtech it exceeds 60@4k in a couple of games and hits ~50 in the worst one they tested with.
  6. No, but posts like the OP's that say "would of" instead of "would have" and "might of" instead of "might have" aren't allowed on the WAN show. Sorry OP, pet peeve of mine!
  7. Basic economics says a company cannot make profit from a third product??? There is a limit to the amount of investment that can be put into CSGO and Dota2 that will return a profit.
  8. What blanket rule would you have wanted? For example would a 10 minute video with a 1 second reaction at the end be fair use? You can't claim that all reaction videos are fair use. It will always be a case by case basis but with legal findings like this more guidelines are established. The judges response in this situation was perfect.
  9. On the topic of other phones; I'd argue that water resistant actually gives you a less accurate impression of the capability of most phones than water proof. I know technically water proof is not achieved by phones but to the average consumer I'd say water resistant gives them the impression of "can survive a light rain'.... Maybe a term somewhere in the middle would be more appropriate.
  10. I checked a couple of Canadian shops and 7700k was $480. ( http://m.bestbuy.ca/defaultpage.aspx?lang=en#/catalog/productdetails.aspx?ajax=true&lang=en-ca&pcname=&sku=11184060 ) So that would imply the 8700k is the same price as the 7700k ($5 more). Difference in price is probably just Canada tax companies charge for the extra work of exporting.
  11. Very deceptive practice. AMD should have just been honest and allowed the price to be set by demand. Charge high early on but be honest about it. No point allowing the profit to be skimmed by the retailers alone. AMD should take their cut of the miner crazy money but be upfront about it.
  12. Completely random learning? From storming forward and dieing to towers, to random movement around the map, to never attacking anything, to never leaving the base, to slight aggression, to creep blocking. To perfection creep blocking. To creep blocking and countering opponents blocking. To combining all of the above and countering an opponents attacks! I cannot fathom how many "hours" of learning this would take. I can only imagine it is in the billions of hours of game time.
  13. To clarify, 500 watt usage achieved through a 50% increase implies a 333 watt base. 250 watt to 500 watt would be +100%.
  14. Factual statement: Men have larger brains than Women on average. With that, surely this 7 page thread has gone beyond Tech News and should be locked
  15. Hmmm. According to the wiki page it's 4.4 but either way 4.5 is not as relatively impressive as i thought