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Claiming that the ZenBook Pro Duo is the “direction the industry is heading,” like Linus suggests, is not only completely delusional....but it’s just completely out of touch with the market. 


The tech market demands compromise, not innovation. There is a time and a place for innovation, but sticking a second screen on top of the keyboard isn’t innovation, it’s silly. 


Trash thumbnail too. 

  1. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    I mean Apple did it before with the little touch bar, though on a much smaller scale. It's not really too far off... 


    It does kinda seem silly though. And battery life is gonna suck. 

  2. Blademaster91


    So its fine when Apple did it with the touchbar?

    Putting something new like a second useful display into the laptop is innovation though, though if you're gonna edit video on it battery life wouldn't be a concern imo.

  3. DrMacintosh


    @Blademaster91 The difference is the TouchBar is a modest feature. It’s not big or obtrusive. This ZenBook Duo is the opposite of everything a MacBook is. 



  4. Nowak


    A PiEce oF INcREdIBlE

  5. Blademaster91


    I wouldn't consider a gimmicky touchbar that replaces the real function keys and power button a modest feature, but if Apple did the same thing and put a second screen next to the keyboard everyone would be praising them saying it's innovative.

  6. DrMacintosh


    No, I don’t think they would be. Also the TouchBar does not replace the power button. 

  7. Arika


    it's such a massive gimmick. plus i had having keyboard right at the edge of the laptop. didn't lik it when they did it on the 1st gen zypherus, don't like it now.


    Asus just seem to want to put a second screen anywhere....like the trackpad.



    The tech market demands compromise

    i dont think they "demand" it, they expect it. no matter who creates what, there will be a down side, people "want" perfect machine, but they know that it will not happen

  8. Blademaster91


    Keyboard at the edge doesn't seem that bad but i'd actually have to try it, it seems like a functional use of space otherwise wasted by only having a trackpad there, although I think it would've been better to add the second screen in a ROG laptop instead.

  9. Damascus


    Let's be honest, macbooks aren't modest.  Clean cut with a minimal aesthetic?  Sure, but not even a little tiny bit modest


    Also uh, there's a product for everyone.  If there's a market for a laptop with a screen down there, this will continue to exist, and if the product proves itself a commercial failure you wuz right and the laptop industry shuffles off back into compromise (oh wait, isn't this that industry with 21" ultrawides, watercooling and the most cutting edge tech companies can pull out their ass?  Iunno)

  10. Nowak


    tbh there's probably a market for those stupid foldable phones that all the tech pundits love

  11. TacoSenpai


    The Nintendo DS is the best two screen console of all time

  12. dizmo


    This wouldn't be obtrusive either, if you planned to use it to it's full extent; which, one would expect you would do, if you're purchasing this machine.

    If someone finds the Touchbar useless, it's just as annoying as something like this. But at least with Windows machines you have choice...

  13. RoseLuck462


    The ZenBook Pro Dou is something I really want, ever since it was announced.


    This plus the upcoming 16” MBP would be a hell of a combo.
