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Tech Enthusiast

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Everything posted by Tech Enthusiast

  1. I trust it, when I see it (reviewed). All the current 1ms IPS screens only get close to that if they screw over the whole picture and make your eyes bleed. Honestly just sounds like something to check all marketing boxes. Kinda like the 8k 120hz Consoles coming up. They can show you 8k and they can do 120hz, but they can't do both. Still, not lying tho... just funky wording to make some people fall for it anyways. Personally I would love to see a screen like this (don't care for the latency tho. 4ms is plenty fine) but bigger. 32 inch is kind of what I use right now and I can't go back. Finding good 32 inch screens with IPS panels is like really hard AND expensive. 27 inch get all the good stuff for reasonable prices now tho, so one or two more years for me to get an upgrade. ?
  2. Not sure where to start. I never said used market does not exist. I claimed that selling used stuff has a higher barrier then selling pristine and perfectly new stuff. Both for the seller AND for the buyer. Offset what exactly?! How about all the missed sales that don't get made? Companies have to calculate their prices based on market research. If they only get 20% less sales, they either have to eat that (some indies won't break even then and not make a game in the first place) while investors won't accept that and just increase the upfront price by 20%. Selling Games sounds nice, if you only look at the selling itself and ignore all the stuff that follows and all the other market participants. It is nice for the consumer for a few days. After that companies adjust and the consumer has to live with the consequences. And those WILL happen. Thinking nothing will change in a bad way due to this, is just being delusional. And claiming this is the same as the used market for physical products is just wrong on so many fronts, that I won't even start to explain further. Others with more time on their hands can try that.
  3. So, you claim that people are just as willing to buy really USED and physical goods, that may or may not have physical damage, wear, missing stuff or additional germs,.... as they are willing to buy a game code that would show zero sign of being used? If I can get the latest Assassins Creed or GTA for 5 bucks, legally... just by waiting a week before the first people are tired of the game, developers WILL make less money. And they WILL have to offset that somehow. Claiming it is the same as gamestop and used physical stuff, is just crazytalk. You are ignoring that people are less willing to bring their stuff to a physical store and hope to sell it, then just putting their code up for sale just by clicking a button. Also people are less willing to buy used goods then brand new. I know for myself, that i NEVER buy used. I would rather pay 3x as much. But digital "used" is not used at all. It is just like new. Sorry to be this honest here, but you sound a little delusional and compare apples to oranges.
  4. Another EU ruling that just ignores the current state of the world and how stuff works. If people can just sell used digital copies (they don't have a drawback, so they would go easily), developers would see a SIGNIFICANT drop in income. Why would I care you ask? Well, because life does not work that way. Developer can't just make less money. Some simply can't break even, others have investors that won't accept that. So basically we would lose some indie games and see increased prices for AAA games. They would have to find a way to offset the possibly huge hit to sales. Just think about it: Most games don't have hundreds of hours of gameplay or replayability. And they honestly don't need to, since games are dirt cheap. Games are priced to match the current state of how stuff works. If I could just pay 50% of the price for a "used" digital game, why would I not do that? At the loss of the developer of course. And people would likely sell for even less than 50%, since even 1 buck is more than nothing. This just can not work at all. No way. Not without major suffering (150 bucks a game anyone?) for gamers upfront.
  5. Not gonna lie,.. that is almost exactly my experience on three different occasions. Also the same as my wife,... but she also had some issues with GPU drivers mixed in there. When she finally got that kernel + linux version working, she noticed that the only working kernal had issues with GPU drivers,... Linux is still a mess. If you need your machine to run, run stable and run without investing a lot of time into it, you don't use Linux.
  6. Since people won't even understand half of what is named in the OP, It is not easy enough. Glad Linux is getting some love,.. I just don't think it will resurrect it enough to be of any significance to the market. Great for those that love to be different tho! Options are always nice.
  7. That thing is gonna kill you, if a real car crashes into you. No thanks. Ill stick to real cars with real metal all around me to protect from impacts. I'll gladly take the lesser efficiency for a higher life expectancy.
  8. My BMW 5 is doing this as well. I would not call it a "privacy concern" tho, but a needed tool that makes some of the features I use possible in the first place. You are free to get a copy of all the data they collect. And I have yet to see something that is not needed for some feature I use myself. Cars are talking to each other for example. When I am on the Autobahn I may get a warning due to items on the street ahead. I even get to see the exact position on the map, so I can drive carefully around that spot. Driving around 180-200 mph around Munich and not being notified of random obstacles on the Autobahn seems like a pretty bad idea. How does it work? Well: All the sensors around the high-end cars can see obstacles and save them. The data gets sent to the servers and all other BMWs get the information. If they are close, the warning is triggered. For this to work they HAVE to save the geo position, or at least analyze it all the time. If you don't want to be tracked or feel like "someone" may be coming for you,... well,.. don't use a modern car I guess? ? I will gladly take the "privacy hit" for the added safety these tools provide for my family and me.
  9. Now, if this was IPS or equivalent, id be all over it. No way to get back to TN and VN panels for me tho,... the difference is just too massive and i often have people watching my screen from an angle. They need to see the content.
  10. Nice. Amazon can get rid of unwanted stock and fill warehouses with other stuff. People can get faster delivery, due to wanted items now fitting into warehouses more often. Poor families can some freebies that make their life a little better. Everyone wins. Hope other big companies follow this idea.
  11. More GPUs to select from --> customer wins. No idea why this could be bad for us, so all up for it. I have had my 2080i for almost a year now, so I don't see why I should be annoyed or mad. Progress is good, always!
  12. Actually,... you just need to NOT do an Update, connect to a PC and access the file System. It will show up for a split second, before the iPhone blocks it and the folders disapear. Now you open up iTunes on the PC, WHILE having the device connected to the PC and have the Update prompt open on the iPhone. iTunes will not open up, unless you have that prompt on screen! When iTunes is open, cancel the update,.... ... all the folders are now visible in windows file explorer and you can access all you want. You don't even need any 3rd party software whatsoever or any extra device to physically break in. I have used this twice now. Once, because my mother wanted her photos from her iPad (works for iPads as well), before exchanging it for a Huawei Tab, when iOS kept bugging her to make an update before connecting to iTunes and then refused to make the update. This is also how I learned about this. The second time to help a friend get his data of the phone, funnily also before switching to a Huawei device. ?
  13. So, they once again match performance, a year later, but lack RT. Given they usually don't show real numbers, we can deduct about 10% and they are no longer matching performance either. How could they screw up 7nm so badly? I mean,... barely matching 12nm GPUs? Even using more power STILL? WTF!
  14. Id love a big fat lawsuit against AMD. This "I take your naming scheme and add a 100 or 1000" thing is annoying and most certainly aimed at uninformed customers. "Hey 3080 is higher, so it must be better than a 2080!". You guys know the majority of people will fall for this. And that is why AMD does it. And I really hope this crap backfires.
  15. As a developer I would love to see a real "standard", not just "another standard". If this thing can replace all the other crap, without sacrificing quality, I would be all over it. Right now, it is kind of standard to support like half a dozen or more formats. Would really help to have the one to rule them all.
  16. The first two sound fine-ish. Honestly, they are all better than what we have here. Not claiming they are great tho. Click bait just works too well to be ignored by Outlets that depend on the clicks. However, topics here are made by users that get zero cents from the click bait, so there is less chance of me ignoring it "because i get it".
  17. Sadly true,... Clickbait on the one side and people not reading past topic titles on the other side. Sad to see the community heading this direction.
  18. If you don't want to replace stuff, then don't use an auto upgrade buying option. That easy. You can't just order Pizza and then complain that you get served pizza,...
  19. You missed the cloud part. To fix your example: You rented the dell. The company never took it back, but drops you a letter that the windows license expired and offers you a shiny new dell, wich you already paid rent for. All you have to do is say yes and get a NEW dell with an active license. But you refuse, even tho you already paid the money for it,... Kinda dumb, isn't it?
  20. That sounds like the crap a business guy without any knowledge said in my old job. When he left the room, all the employees started to laugh for 10+ min. It was amazing. ? Retrain people, because the UI changes a little... haha. If you need that, you should invest into different people all together.
  21. Then you are wrong. It does not. People just think they are cool by not updating their software. Then cry bloody murder, if a bug screws them over, even tho said bug has been patched years ago. nothing new here. Also 3rd Parties != Adobe. Filters, as said before. Why should Adobe pay fees for software that has been deprecated, just because some smart ass likes to play cool? Don't give me the "but I am poor" thing. If you can pay 60 bucks a month for a cloud service, you can afford a PC that can run the software. Or better: You would not have signed up for software that your PC can't run comfortably. The only people that may run into issues is those with limited data plans, which are,... not that common anymore. And again: If you are spending 60 bucks a month on Photoshop, chances are you can pony up a few extra bucks to get a data plan that is enough to do freaking software updates.
  22. Which, judging by the market share, does not matter to most people. ? I would not touch Linux with a 10-foot-long pole. But that choice is up to each and every user them self.
  23. Well, Microsoft is killing reasons to install Linux. I doubt there is really more to say than that. There is no huge market share for Linux, but there also is no huge market share for anything but Windows after all. If they can gain 0.3% of market share, due to people not installing Linux for whatever Software that needs it,... well. It is another 0.3%! This also allows 0.3% more people to use Visual Studio, which is like 3-5k per user, per year, along with MS Office, MS Teams,..... So there goes the money as well.
  24. I hate to do this, but honestly only one possible reaction to the claim: --> LOL
  25. Just wanted to say: The level of Click Bait is getting annoying enough that I stopped reading some articles here and started to look for alternatives to get my tech news. Not claiming that I am important enough for mods to start doing something about it, but I would certainly hope that this gets addressed at some point. Would be lovely if this happens before i actually delete my bookmark for the news forum. This topic certainly brought me closer.