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Everything posted by Echodamus

  1. Honestly I don't get why people get so butthurt about this. If it bothers you that you can't get certain features or settings then just buy NVidia the next time you're due for an upgrade. What is so hard about that? Also, not everything is open source, and just because people want it to be doesn't mean that it should be/will be. Is it so bad that a company wants compensation for their hard work?
  2. Its not the quality drop I'm mad about, it's that they essentially lied to us and decided to PC on the backburner (like everyone else. Well, almost everyone)
  3. "It would make us seem like we are incapable..." Well yea, because they are. I really don't care too much for the PCMR, but its shit like this that gets me to side with them sometimes. PC games are always the first to be cut back, but CDPR won't care because they have something in the millions of pre-orders already? So nothing will be gained from this. I just hope people actually care about this instead of saying "Meh, they did other cool things like no DRM and free DLC, so it really doesn't matter."
  4. Doesn't the XBOne have some super fast memory thats off the die but too small to be useful? I vaguely remembering hearing something about that. So isn't that still part of the issue?
  5. And without the announcement I wouldn't have even noticed.
  6. What do they mean by free? Is it only free for one year then I have to pay for it?
  7. I just have trouble seeing myself using a laptop that doesn't have at least two USB ports.
  8. "many other social occasions." Right.
  9. iPot. Its like regular pot but costs more and comes in a golden box.
  10. Username: Echodamus Favorite videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/Su_Wqd7Vl https://www.vessel.com/videos/LCoY5zfFf
  11. Considering this is a dual GPU vs a single GPU, and most games don't benefit from the massive amount of VRAM of the Titan X the 295x2 should be winning by a lot more.
  12. I think it would be worth it if they improved a lot of lack-luster areas of the site and gave more money to the content creators. But unless they block ABS like hulu does this will never be a success.
  13. Forget not being tech news, this isn't even news at all.
  14. They do make great feeling and looking products, there is no denying that. They reason I can't get behind them (and other similar companies/products) is they sacrifice functionality for fashion or feel. I honestly think it should be standard that batteries should be removable (for cell phones) and SD card slots should be included. IIRC they don't do this on their 'mainstream' products, and I think for a flagship device it should be standard that it has as much functionality and flexibility as possible. I know that it isn't just HTC that does this, but my concern is that they will do the same with the VR headset, they will have a beautify device that is premium, but lacks functionality.
  15. At first when I read "without any caps" I thought to myself 'Why the hell wouldn't they include capacitors?'
  16. Kinda sad it's made by HTC. Oh well, they will probably do a descent job.
  17. "Giving up functionality for a premium feel." Welp, looks like I'm not interested.
  18. I wish they would improve longevity honestly. I have a 5S and whenever I use it even moderately I am running on fumes at the end of the day.
  19. Normally I don't get excited about software, but between Win10 and DX12 I can't wait.
  20. Interesting new sponsor. Are the better than PIA? Is there a good reason to switch over once my subscription runs out?
  21. Pretty much all the features you ever wanted but couldn't have, and then some. It's hard to remember everything I have now, but IIRC I have a mod that saves battery life, can adjust the brightness easier, shows me the CPU freq., how much data I am uploading/downloading, makes the notification bar blend in with lots of apps, allows me to adjust color schemes, lets the device be oriented every way, and I don't know if this is through Xposed but there are various camera improvements as well. Obviously some are more pracitcle than others, but you get my point. But basically Xposed is what allowed me to install and use all those features.
  22. Satire is fine, but a lot of the PCMR isn't satirical. Hell, I used to consider myself a part of it when it was a more satirical thing, but a lot of events and trends have pushed me away from the group. But now I can't even look at anything videogame related without seeing some PCMR comment, it just gets to be too much. And considering that the first point under general information on /r/PCMR is "This is not a satirical subreddit...."... I think my point has been made. Not that I expect anyone to accept it, but there it is. Edit: Just to clarify, I do believe PCs are the way to go when it comes to videogames because there are really no draw backs compared to console gaming. Its the ego I can't stand.