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Day Two - is  _Rlocke a True Man of Honour



So first thing first, Igor did not truly jump 130 ranks, there was a data issue on the last rankings, but this does not affect the integrity of the data, the issue was with the user entered data that was corrected yesterday after the posting of the ranks and blog post. 


Sitting on the throne for a second day in a row we have Shlouski, with 167,910,201 points on the second day of the event it can be easily said that he is the man to catch. Producing slightly shy of 100 million points over the last 24 hours, he has shown us just what he is capable of. Now the question has to be asked if miker07 who is up next in the number two spot with 148,525,518 points can challenge for the throne or if he will be relegated to falling short of being crowned this year. Igor_Sinelnikov who unfortunately got missed from yesterdays data is in third place with 88,682,201. Now in the past we have seen Igor go on insane sprints, producing over 100 million points per day, so although he is only in third, it may not take too much poking to wake the sleeping tiger. Justaphf is up next, taking fourth place for today, with 86,499,619, being only around two million points behind Igor we could see him trying to push just a little harder to make Igor sweat. to round out the top five for today is Mxyzptlk, taking his place in the ranks with 67,103,544 points, He is looking to be in a pretty safe place for the time being, but with little chance to gain any further without a major change to production. 


Once again we have Oromit sitting in the number 6 spot with 59,485,627 points, they are one of the few people who haven't moved around over the last 24 hours. LAR_Systems has fallen two ranks over the last 24 hours down to 7th place with 58,501,447 points, there is only slightly more than a million points ahead of him to leapfrog forward up the table, but we can only guess as to if the man has the folding power needed to do such a thing. gordonbb has technically fallen one rank down to number eight, with 56,730,183 points he could certainly be an upset to those ahead of him if he were to push things. Up next is Ben_F with 45,149,615 points, it is certainly true that there is a large divide growing in front of Mr. F and if he is wanting to climb up the ranks he is certainly going to have up his pace and finally we have the honourable gatekeeper, _Rlocke has for the second day kept his spot of honour on the rankings with 33,589,405. Right now he is looking pretty safe where he is but also we are not seeing any spectacular like we have seen from him in previous events. 


Well it is only the second day and I don't think we have enough data to really make any major comments. But i'm sure you will all join me in saying one thing to those at the very top of the table... Damnnnn


Please click on the link below to see the full list of ranks for the event.

For this event all of the ranks will be on one link, there will be individual sheets added for each day, you can navigate these at the bottom of the window. 


Folding Month V Daily Stats


Please remember that this is a friendly event, but we are all folding away for Science, AND GLORY! 


I'm really impressed with the numbers we are seeing here, Thank you to all who are involved and who make this worthwhile every year.


Remember we are a team first and individuals second, so give thanks where thanks is due and hit that reaction button when someone helps you out.


Be wary of the minimum participation requirements of this event.


20 Days with activity*, 500,000 Points & 40 WU

(*activity is defined as completing at least 1WU for the 24 hour period)


Finally, if you have had any hardware die during the event or on the run up to the event during preparations please post it on the thread below


List of The Dead


Happy folding,





5 hours ago, Kilrah said:

Seems the script has issues, it didn't count anything for me today when I did 2 WUs/1M points, and also didn't add the 1 it missed from the first day...

I gotta stream shortly, but if @cbigfoothasn't investigated by the time I have finished I will look into it 

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