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Hello everyone, I'm currently building a gaming PC for the ground up and was wondering, if I'm buying both RAM and MOBO new from a store is there a chance that I will need to update the MOBO's BIOS for the RAM to run properly?
I'm buying an MSI Z370 PC PRO and was considering Corsair vengeance LPX, DDR4, 2x8GB, 3000MHz, CL15 (CMK16GX4M2B3000C15). I checked both MOBO's and memory's compatibility lists and they should work together. However I was not able to find any information on due to what or when is BIOS update needed and since I am unable to update it myself (would need working memory for that) and am not to happy about the idea of taking my hardware to a shop and paying for updating it, I'd like to know how does it work. 
Sorry for a messy post but I'm kinda in a hurry and would appreciate any help, thank you.

MOBO compatibility listhttps://www.msi.com/Motherboard/support/Z370-PC-PRO#support-mem-5

RAM specs: https://www.corsair.com/us/en/Categories/Products/Memory/VENGEANCE®-LPX-16GB-(2x8GB)-DDR4-DRAM-3000MHz-C15-Memory-Kit---Black/p/CMK16GX4M2B3000C15

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28 minutes ago, Logi_Warrior said:


I'd assume that it's supported from the factory installed BIOS.


3000C15 is so common you really shouldn't need to worry about support.


As far asBIOS updating goes you can either

  1. flash the update in windows (whether or not MSI allows/has support for that you'd need to check)
  2. flash the new bios in bios (wow) by using a USB stick to copy the new bios to and finding the update bios option. This is the preferred way.

MSI FAQ seems to cover most things. As with the manual which you can probably download.

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