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Cable management dilemma.

My setup is far from clean, and no, I don't mean it is covered in shit. I mean that it doesn't look clean. Here are some pictures of my problem, they're stated pretty obviously.(Pictures at bottom of the page)

Now, moving on to something else, I am a DJ, which means I have a mixer to the left of me when I sit on my desk. (As shown in the picture above) I want to put my computer on the very far left of where my mixer sits, as my floor is generally not that clean. It seems like a good idea, but obviously it would take up too much space and then the mixer wont be able to go there. I have no idea where to put it. I have this very ghetto keyboard stand as I dont have an actual one for this very keyboard. To sum up this issue, I need an L desk (or two separate desks) exactly 50cm in width. (Length doesn't really matter.) Then, because my mixer will be practically behind me, I need some very long RCA and midi cables. Now, for sound, i'll have my back turned to the computer when im in the middle of a mix, and obviously my speakers are on my desk, so I wouldnt hear too well. To counter this. i'll buy another set of the same speakers, and put them onto the desk with my mixer on it. I think I need a DAC with two RCA outputs and then an aux cable that would connect to my computer, that would be amazing, omnidirectional sound from two sets of '06 speakers? Maaaad. To sum this all up, I need some products that would help clean up my desk, here are some more pictures of my gaming area, and a little plan at the bottom. 

List of what I need:

Roth Audioblob 2 (Very old and hard to get sadly :/)

DAC w/ two RCA inputs and AUX output.

A desk that is 50cm in width.

Also, I need someone to confirm if i can actually do the thing with the speakers. (Drivers?)

Very thin power/socket adaptor things. (That thing that plugs into 1 socket and makes 4/5/6)

(I need some people to find these things for me, I don't really know where to look lol)


Imgur Link: http://imgur.com/a/9A6jv



Ryzen 5 1600 - GTX 980 Ti - Broke.

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You need a keyboard stand, and if possible, get a stand that can support an attachment over it, for you to put a second keyboard, or, your mixer.  Thats the pricey route, so.... a basic keyboard will help for now.  Better than using chairs... you should be able to pick one up for like $20.


For your audio, i couldn't find the exact product, but what you're looking for exact.  you just need to dig around some more, or go to your local music shop, and they may be able to help.  Here is an example one of...



Its not RCA, but its a small cheap device, that allows your one input (your pc) expand into multiple inputs.  I use this cause i have headphones, but i dont like using it if i'm going out later as it makes my hair messed up.  So i have my apple earpods, and speakers connected.  Its small, cheap, and handy to have.  I also plugged in 4 different speakers once to create fake surround sound.  I had 2 sets of speakers connected, and a giant performance speaker thing i rented, sounded amazing.


Lastly, i think you need to start thinking vertical space.  Check out photo below.  Ignore the side area, but notice he has a lot of things just in front.  You could easily do something like that too.It'll be some hard work, but something you can build towards.  Space is a luxury many of us can't afford, but we'll have to think creatively to use it as much as we can.



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