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$80USD in cash. Raspberry Pi variant, Sony MDR-7506, Corsair M65, or something else?

PlayStation 2

I was about to buy it but the next day the kickstarter ended and I just yelled "aw fuck!" but I'm gonna buy it day one probably and use it as some sort of server.

I was thinking of using it as a small Plex server. Super power efficient and more powerful than the RPi while still being cheap.

You know what's easier than buying and building a brand new PC? Petty larceny!
If you're worried about getting caught, here's a trick: Only steal one part at a time. Plenty of people will call the cops because somebody stole their computer -- nobody calls the cops because they're "pretty sure the dirty-bathrobe guy from next door jacked my heat sink."

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Food and fancy soda

Intel 4670K /w TT water 2.0 performer, GTX 1070FE, Gigabyte Z87X-DH3, Corsair HX750, 16GB Mushkin 1333mhz, Fractal R4 Windowed, Varmilo mint TKL, Logitech m310, HP Pavilion 23bw, Logitech 2.1 Speakers

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