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Well i'm shopping at lutro0s and i was wondering out of the two what would you guys get? And what is the exact difference?


Here is the paracord black http://lutro0-customs.com/products/coreless-paracord-black-25ft


And here is the LC Teleios black http://lutro0-customs.com/products/lc-teleios-sleeving-black-25ft


I'm really not sure what to get. the Teleios is a $1.50 more per 25 ft but i'm not sure what the overall difference is? If lutro0 is on could you explain it to me? all i know is it is easier to work with and that's about it/


And do you think i should get it over the paracord? this is my first time sleeving by the way :P

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I'd get the paracord since cloth, and cloth looks better imo

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Paracord is a fabric while pet sleeving is a plastic, the pet will reflect more under light than paracord and is generally regarded as the better looking material. While paracord is ALOT cheaper and easy to do heatshrinkless sleeving with.


I personally prefer paracord myself.


Also $5 for 25 feet of paracord is a blatant rip off. You can get any old 550 standard paracord for about $8 100ft. Only thing Lutro0 does differently is take the core out before it gets to you which is not even a selling point.

Where do you get your paracord then?

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$4.88 for a 50ft length in black

If i order from them i'm going to have a metric TON of paracord left since i'm doing a 3 colour braid haha!


Also how do you think these colours would look together ?







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In that case you probably will. It will take you about 100ft of paracord to do your 24pin, 2 8pin pci-e and a 8 pin eps connector though. Just to give you an idea of how much you'll need :)

I'm doing every cord on my psu so it's going to take a while to sleeve :P

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I highly recommend MDPC-X (or LC Teleios sleeving if you are set on it,same stuff really), for me personally I hate the look of using paracord. Looks like multicoloured shoelaces over the wires.


You should get around 40m if you are planning on doing;


8-pin CPU

two 6/8-pin GPU

some Sata's



If you plan on doing more than that I would suggest 50m

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Also $5 for 25 feet of paracord is a blatant rip off. You can get any old 550 standard paracord for about $8 100ft. Only thing Lutro0 does differently is take the core out before it gets to you which is not even a selling point.

The man has to make money too. I watched his videos and I will probably order from him just because he showed me how sleeve properly.

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Yeah I still order terminals and connectors from him because he does have some good quality kit. But for paracord he's charging double anywhere else and also getting it direct off the maker as opposed to from a wholesaler so he's taking a larger cut from that aswell. 

He seems like a good guy to me, I don't mind having to spend a little extra if it helps someone out.

i5 4670k | Sapphire 7950 | Kingston 120GB SSD | Seagate 1TB | G.Skill Ripjaw X Series 8GB

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I highly recommend MDPC-X (or LC Teleios sleeving if you are set on it,same stuff really), for me personally I hate the look of using paracord. Looks like multicoloured shoelaces over the wires.


You should get around 40m if you are planning on doing;


8-pin CPU

two 6/8-pin GPU

some Sata's



If you plan on doing more than that I would suggest 50m

MDPC's sleeving is just way to expensive in my opinion plus the shipping is costly.

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The coreless paracord is indeed direct from the maker. I had them braid it just for me with fuzz, tightness, and overall quality in mind.


There is indeed alot of great paracord sources out there but there is also a good ammount of paracord resellers that sell paracord that looks like it has been drug through a parking lot.


My prices reflect the time put into finding coreless paracord that was flawless and is the same size for all colors, some sellers and resellers use slightly different sizes. So I sell it to be able to save people from wasting time and money getting bad paracord and paracord that will look uniform.


So its simply priced to save people the time and the hassle and guessing about were to buy, also if you factor in shipping on getting all your supplies from one spot it all evens out or comes out cheaper in the end.


But by no means does anyone NEED to order it from me, its offered as a convenience and a guarantee in quality.

LC Teleios is not the same as MDPC, MDPC has a larger diameter and a lower density then Teleios. So you dont have to stretch the crud out of Teleios to get good coverage as it comes dense enough to hide any color wire without stretching, although I do recommend a little stretching to give the cable some extra stiffness for routing.

But yet again both are great sleevings so either one is up to user choice. =)

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