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What is the meaning of life? (In your opinion)


As others have noted, from an objective point of view the most 'meaning' we can gather using what evidence we have basically leads to, from a biological viewpoint, the meaning of our lives being breeding - lots of breeding
The universe as far as we know doesn't care about life so don't worry about some inherent meaning, just a waste of Human energy.

Now, from a social perspective and given our need to breed I take that my meaning in life is to make the world a better place than it was when I was born.
Being incapable of breeding I figure for myself the only thing I can do to further improve the Human experience is to add to what we have now, create something that didn't exist before, maybe contribute something to science. Oh and push for asteroid detection measures to be taken up by governments around the world so there is a future for our race.

Curiosity for me is a great source of meaning. A pox on those who think space exploration programs are a waste of resources!

"The wheel?" "No thanks, I'll walk, its more natural" - thus was the beginning of the doom of the Human race.
Cheese monger.

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