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Social Network Integration on OS basis to Rescue Windows 9

This idea came to my mind a few day ago when I was skyping with some mates and playing some bf3 and csgo. Of course I had to had the call running, be logged into battlelog or steam, had to invite them manually, just the usual way of playing with friends.


Then Slick's iSwitched to Blackberry came to my mind and the "SocialHub", I think it was called. An app that all social networks like twitter, facebook, email, etc. are connected to and can be managed from, all integrated on the very base of the blackberry os.


Then imagine something like XBox Live Party modes, where you can voice chat with your friends and be in a group/party for gaming on Xbox, all integrated as a major part of the XBox 360. Also one of thew big selling points compared to the PS3.


So lets bring this to the desktop:

Windows 8 was not that big of an improvement, it was more of a change in design of the UI. Touching he screen is very important, on desktops, where you have mouse and keyboard... °_° My palms are bleeding...

It would have kind of made sense if it was the one and only os for all devices, but there is windows rt and windows phone, and all that nieche stuff that nobody uses. And I mean, nobody. So the Windows dev team split into all those different product type oses made Windows 8 just a design theme with some nice features, but even worse driver problems then Windows ME had.

Windows 8.1 wont be an improvement: "We give you the start button back!", they said, "Its back, but you can only access Metro with it. We dont need the start menu." Yeah... Palms still bleeding

And then XBox one... Lets break it down into: TV, TV, TV, TV, Kinect always watching you, high price, low hardware and the design looking worse then former MS CEO's face. (not naming any names...) Im kinda exaggerating, I suspect.


Well now what could save Windows9. I think, a big step in the right direction, without neccessairily going back to Win7 design and matureness, the INTEGRATION OF ANY KIND OF SOCIAL INTERFACE ON OS BASIS would be a huge selling point.

Imagine the "OneHub" ! (they would give it a stupid name...) You can connect to it with facebook, twitter, your email, steam, skype, the pieces of garbage named Origin and UPlay. You can create parties, channels, maybe even kind of server site like Razer Comms. Maybe combined with some game overlay. Inviting friends in your voice call seemlessly to a game, without needing to tab out or mess around with different accounts. JUST MAKING WINDOWS 9 A GAMERS PARADISE.


What do you think?

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helped building up the CPU Overclocking Database and GPU Overclocking Database, check them out ;)

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I think they need to make a new, improved version of Windows 7 or I'm not buying it.

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But then Microsoft would be criticized for making an OS that only addresses gamers and people who need utter social activity on their machines. And oh my if the integration and software design wouldn't be flawless, it would die. :/ I think experience tells us that the social media itself is better at creating software they feel support their features.


Windows 8 does already have apps that connects you to your social medias. For that, Microsoft has also received major criticism because "power users don't want all that social media nonsense on their pc's". To be honest, I don't believe Windows 8 needs any rescue. People are generally afraid of change and that is exactly what Windows 8 brought. So Microsoft got a lot of hate which is starting to diminish as people get experience and start to understand the new interface properly. Windows 8.1 will change some of the things Microsoft needed to change and while you won't get the start menu back as it is in Windows 7 you will get the actual button and the exact same functionality without the Modern UI, if you so desire.


On the subject of "one OS for all devices", what Microsoft did isn't really too incoherent if you think about it. Contrary to iOS and Android, Microsoft has a different OS for their phones and tablets - Windows Phone and Windows 8 RT. These work pretty much as you'd expect Mobile OS's to. And then there is Windows 8 which combine RT with the full desktop experience. Once again, in 8.1 you'll be able to use it just as you would 7.


I do see where you are coming from, though, but I think it's too much of a niche for Microsoft to spend the vast amount of resources required to get it to work as well as it needs to.

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