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Major Security Vulnerabilities Discovered in Adobe Flash


The professional malware developer Hacking Team has recently leaked a Flash security exploit that was able to get around even Google Chrome's advanced security, piercing the sandbox and accessing the system at large:


Ars Technica - Hacking Team's Flash 0-day: Potent enough to infect actual Chrome user


Adobe has recently patched this security issue in their upstream version of Adobe Flash and Google has patched the vulnerability in Chrome's in-built implementation of Flash, called Pepper. However, it doesn't just end there. Days later, two more 0-day attacks developed by Hacking Team were discovered:


Ars Technica - Once again, Adobe releases emergency Flash patch for Hacking Team 0-days


Some parties have considered these issues so serious that they are doing away with Flash altogether. Mozilla has blacklisted the plugin in their popular Firefox browser and at least one PC manufacturer will no longer distribute their machines with Flash pre-installed, urging preexisting users to purge Flash from their system.


Ars Technica - Firefox blacklists Flash player due to unpatched 0-day vulnerabilities

Ars Technica - Ubuntu PC Maker System76 abandons Flash, says it's too dangerous


Some, including major parties such as Facebook, have called for an end to Flash's life on the web altogether. These demands are further legitimized by the existence of other technologies, such as HTML5, that are also able to provide a rich web experience as well as the declining popularity of Flash.

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I feel like any article about Adobe Flash security issues is a repost.  Not because someone beat you to it, but I think it is just known that Flash is not secure, and won't ever be.


It is like finding out that using a hammer to hit someone in the head is bad for them, and each new article is simply someone who tried to hit their head in a different spot.

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And the sky is blue, saying flash has a security bug is about as new as saying, "Cow Goes Moo". 

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Old News, repost, Adobe already issued a fix, Mozilla Firefox won't block flash if you have the latest Flash version.

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