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Platform Launch and MASSIVE GIVEAWAY


Woot love you guys was out of the pc loop for a long time and because of you guys I'm back in Love your DIY's and Reviews they greatly help once I get my new rig I'll have to post a pic :D


Username on vessel is: LastRaven

Posted to facebook & Twitter :)

and meh two favorite so far was your review of the HOTAS system



and your DIY on rear LED's because I have rear pluggin problems all the time thanks for the help!


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My Vessel Username is the same as my ltt forums username, DaGeek247


My favorite video is probably the scrapyard wars series, but they're not on vessel as of right now. So i'll go with the recent 21:9 monitor review because I plan on going that route with my next monitor. https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY


The other video I enjoyed a lot was the mineral oil builds, which you have at least one video for; https://www.vessel.com/videos/DFJKi7CvB


I also have a twitter account I shared it on. https://twitter.com/DaGeek247/status/580476338341040130

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!


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Username: jurchiks

2 videos:




I do have a complaint though - I have a pretty fast internet, and I usually watch your videos on YouTube in 1080p with no stuttering (even on phone via home WiFi), but on Vessel, the 5K SLI video was buffering extremely slowly for some period (I had set HD to On instead of Auto, since on Auto it never actually switched to HD); I tried refreshing the page several times, thinking that maybe something glitched, but nope. After about an hour of waiting and watching other FullHD videos on Youtube, the 5K SLI video on Vessel decided to buffer properly after all. But nevertheless - if this buffering glitch happens more than once in a while, that might be quite enough to scare me away from it. I realise this is probably because their servers can't handle the load or perhaps they don't have a big enough network pipe, but it's terribly annoying nevertheless, especially if the video stops buffering and never continues (waited for a minute or two, realistically for most people that means "forget about it").

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Vessel: Gammett


Edit: accidentally posted without urls when switching tabs to grab links, I do have a legit post somewhere else in here that contains the links, check my account post history to confirm it for yourself.

I know the answer to Fermat's last theorem but there isn't enough room in my signature to announce it.

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