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G502 better shape than Deathadder?


So on the 8th of august I ordered a deathadder as I wanted a lighter better fitting mouse than my g700 (which I love but damn,It's heavy and I mainly play fps's).

Now while I did get the lightness I wanted it just doesn't fit my hand right because I like to live my ring finger beside the right mouse button on top (mainly because my ring finger and pinky are too big to both be on the side) and well for the deathadder there isn't a side...it's all a button.



As you can see I put my ring finger up on top/on the edge of the mouse, I can't do that with the deathadder and putting both my ring finger and pinky on the side is just awkward and I was wondering is the g502 any better? I didn't go for it first as the deathadder is a whole 20 pounds cheaper and I've heard good things about it (although hearing the g502 is a lot better would be nice as then I could go back to my ol friend logitech :D without feeling bad for chucking out more cash for a few more buttons I won't use and weights...which I also won't use).

So will the g502 be a better shape or will I have to get used to the standard that is putting your ring finger and pinky on the side (why da f*ck do mouse makers make you cram your fingers in such a small space!!) 

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G502 is generally a better shape, but you might as well get used to putting your fingers on the sides.

this.  Their is always some finger hang off on most mice on the market.


I've used a Deathadder 3.5G in the past (like it a lot;very basic shape) and I've tried out a G502 at a shop near me. (best feel in hand from any mouse I've tired)


I currently use a Razer Taipan.  I like Slim Ambi mouse for fingertip claw grip I use. although you need to adjust grip style.  Thumb and pinky finger are the only ones to grip the mouse on the side. Its a bit different than normal but feel good IMO.



buy a G502 and try it out. would be my suggestion.


Keyboard & Mouse collection FTW! lol  

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this.  Their is always some finger hang off on most mice on the market.


I've used a Deathadder 3.5G in the past (like it a lot;very basic shape) and I've tried out a G502 at a shop near me. (best feel in hand from any mouse I've tired)


I currently use a Razer Taipan.  I like Slim Ambi mouse for fingertip claw grip I use. although you need to adjust grip style.  Thumb and pinky finger are the only ones to grip the mouse on the side. Its a bit different than normal but feel good IMO.



buy a G502 and try it out. would be my suggestion.


Keyboard & Mouse collection FTW! lol  

Well I'v only got it about .... 10 hours ago or so I can return it pretty easily, I might actually buy it and when I have the two of them I'll just return the one I don't like....although that's a problem as my dad is my source of money (It sucks being a full-time student) and he really,really hates returning stuff even though I've told him it's Amazon and they are really good at accepting returns :/ decisions,decisions....

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wow this time my dad actually said yes (cautiously though) so I have a g502 mouse on its way, should be here in 4-5 days and I'm going to send back the one I don't like hopefully the g502 mouse is nice as It's around the same weight just a bit bigger which is good for me (Big hands) also I've seen a mouse (I think it was by func) and it had a place specially designed on top for your ring finger however it seemed massive and I was wondering does anyone have it or have any experiences with it as it might be good for my big hands.problem is it's probably wayy to heavy for fps's

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wow this time my dad actually said yes (cautiously though) so I have a g502 mouse on its way, should be here in 4-5 days and I'm going to send back the one I don't like hopefully the g502 mouse is nice as It's around the same weight just a bit bigger which is good for me (Big hands) also I've seen a mouse (I think it was by func) and it had a place specially designed on top for your ring finger however it seemed massive and I was wondering does anyone have it or have any experiences with it as it might be good for my big hands.problem is it's probably wayy to heavy for fps's


Mionix makes a mouse like that too but feels a bit weird to me. not bad but ehh.  I guess I got use to the Finger hang off already.


kind of why I said the collection thing.  I like to switch my gear around in rotation just cause.  Get to try out stuff and help comment on these posts better. 

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Well this type of topic would be subjective. But from the looks of it the g502 has a better contoured shape.

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