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HELP NEEDED - How To - lock-in wifi settings "before & after boot"

Go to solution Solved by Guest,

From Ubuntu

1. Open a Terminal and Type: su   it should ask for your root password, in most cases this is the same as your user password, unless on a shared device with multiple users.

If you don't get the requestor, type sudo  As I've never tried Ubuntu, I'm not sure which command works.


The prompt will change


2. Enter nano /etc/network/interfaces and amend your file to read:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wireless-ssid SSID_Name IN YOUR CASE IT'S v5
wireless-key XXXXX

Then save and exit.

 Next I suggest fully shutting down and restart as opposed to simply rebooting.

i need info & advice on how to force my

laptop & mini-forums um560xt to keep the WiFi password an custom settings

(input under advanced network setting) before & after boot , to be clear what i mean


no matter what the WIFI password an input under advanced network setting

wont save an auto connect after reboot on Ubuntu 24.04 lts , i have to put it all back in after every reboot an login


even-tho the previous config is stored seen here \





it wont auto connect i have to do it all again how do i fix this problem ?


please i need some step by step help

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From Ubuntu

1. Open a Terminal and Type: su   it should ask for your root password, in most cases this is the same as your user password, unless on a shared device with multiple users.

If you don't get the requestor, type sudo  As I've never tried Ubuntu, I'm not sure which command works.


The prompt will change


2. Enter nano /etc/network/interfaces and amend your file to read:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wireless-ssid SSID_Name IN YOUR CASE IT'S v5
wireless-key XXXXX

Then save and exit.

 Next I suggest fully shutting down and restart as opposed to simply rebooting.

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