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Installing Firefox Developer Edition on Ubuntu Linux

I actually found this to be a difficult process, so I decided to create a guide on it.


Firefox Developer Edition is a special version of the Firefox browser, specifically designed to help developers. 



What you need:





Make sure the archive is downloaded to your Downloads folder, and "cd" into the Downloads folder and extract the file with this command:

cd ~/Downloads
tar -xvf firefox*.tar.bz2

P.S. Replace the * with the downloaded archive's filename.



Before continuing, please reset terminal so you are no longer in the Downloads folder.



Now, using "sudo" for root privileges, move the folder to the "opt" folder, replacing the asterisks and the word "username" with your computer's username.  

sudo mv /home/*username*/Downloads/firefox /opt




Now we need to set up the binary, so we can actually launch the browser.

To set it up, we need to create a symlink from the opt/firefox/  folder to the /usr/local/bin/ folder with the ln command.

ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox




Now, let's create a shortcut, using the touch command.

sudo touch /usr/share/applications/firefox-developer.desktop




With the file created, we need to edit it.


To open the file, navigate to:



Open it in a text editor and copy the following code into the file:

[Desktop Entry]

Name=Firefox Developer

GenericName=Firefox Developer Edition






Comment=Firefox Developer Edition Web Browser


Save the file (usually requires another text editor, such as Sublime Text or Nano)

and update the permissions of the file using the terminal again:

sudo chmod +x /usr/share/applications/firefox-developer.desktop



Now you can access the Firefox Developer browser from your applications menu!




If my post helped you please hit the "Solved" button below ✅

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