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[Floatplane] Unofficial Floatplane API Documentation


Hi all,


I have created some unofficial documentation for the Floatplane API, available in several formats at https://jman012.github.io/FloatplaneAPIDocs/ and with the source at https://jman012.github.io/FloatplaneAPIDocs/.


I've seen amazing projects such as Hydravion and the Floatplane downloader, and wanted to see about making my own project. But I saw that the API was not officially documented by the Floatplane staff. I completely understand that they might not have the resources to do so at this time, especially when they're busy making the website and building new and exciting features. So, before working on a project, I wanted to help document everything so that myself and others could benefit. One big benefit for coders is the possibility to auto-generate client code to interface more easily with all of the available APIs, instead of doing their own research into how the API works, or even writing the necessary boilerplate to send requests and parse responses correctly.


All of the information are in the links above. I'll be keeping this up-to-date as much as I can when I see changes to the FP frontend code. Most endpoints are not documented yet because they have to do with Creator or Administration features that we don't have access to. But there are also some endpoints that might be useful for regular users that are not documented yet either.


Enjoy, and feel free to contribute or point out areas for improvement!


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