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Windows Freezing After Short Inactivity

So im having this problem over a week now and I just cant find a solution for it.

The problem is that if im not using my pc for more than 15-20 min, it suddenly freezes and the only way to fix it is by hard resetting the pc using the power button. At first I thought it was a ram issue but I've tested both of my ram sticks and they seem to work completely fine alone and together on other systems.

I have a Ryzen based system (3600X on stock values), 16GB ram on 3200Mhz and an asus strix b450-f gaming board.

Im thinking its a windows issue, but that issue wasnt resolved after reinstalling, I use windows 10 Pro 64bit.

Ive also viewed some threads about this issue from other people, but none of them have found a solution that worked well..

If someone here knows how to fix this, thanks in advance! 馃檪

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