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Need Help recovering data from External HDD

Hello guys,

I have a Toshiba 750gb external hard drive that I bought 8 years ago.聽

I built a pc some years ago on an extremelly limited budget and I removed the hard drive form its external enclosure and converted it into an internal.

I dont remember if this was my boot drive or if it was secondary.

Now I later purchased a higher capacity hard drive and put that to be internal , and tried to convert the toshiba drive again to an external. ( i kept the enclosure and the circuit adapter that it connected to )

But when I reassembled the enclosure with the drive and plugged it into my computer all kinds of problems occured.

I have to note here that I didnt reformat anything I used the drive as it was.. ( I guess a big mistake聽馃槢聽but i wasnt that experienced , not that I am now聽馃槅聽)

So now , I want to recover the files that are inside , nothing overly important, a 2000 song file collection etc.

Also it is a USB3.0 drive , when i use a 3.0 port I get blue light from the circuit board and the driver isnt showing up, sometimes for no reason it gets into USB2.0 mode and it behaves similarly ( with some minor differences ) to聽when I connect it to a usb 2.0 port:

  • When I open "This Pc"聽the disk is assigned as E: and doesnt show size or any info, I get the green loading bar on the location path,but it loads vert slowly , after it loads the disk dissappears from the devices and drives tab, and sometimes i get a message from windows that the usb device isnt recognized etc.
  • When I try to just access the properties of the disk the properties window聽crashes.
  • I tried using the Eassos Recovery Program, but even that becomes unresponsive聽after just selecting the disk for recovery, in the case that the program works eventually and i try to recover data either the disk dissapears again in the procces , or it show that it is scanned and that there are no files to be recovered. Mostly it likes to crash.
  • Using the cmd and the command chkdsk /f E: there have been 2 instances , one i get that the file system is NTFS but the ntfs boot sector is unreadable or corrupt, OR I get the info that I provide with the screenshot below..( I searched for the error codes on Google but didnt find anything )
  • Using the disk managment tool , when using 3.0 driver shows up as RAW file system, when in 2.0 port the disk managment program crashes.

Now I have been thinking that maybe if I use a new circuit-adapter ( sata to usb essentialy ) maybe will solve the problem.

But I am no expert and I would like your opinion and if theres a more available solution right now.

Thanks in advance for any help :)


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