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windows launches in advanced startup options


i noticed when i launch my pc it launches in advanced startup options so i click continue to windows it restarts to the same screen again. i already fixed it by shutting the pc down manually and launching it again via the power button but i wanna know whats the cause of this?


i tried restarting again and it showed me the bios screen twice. as if its trying to launch but it cant

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When a PC boots in advanced startup, it generally means something went really wrong in the bootloading process. This could be caused by many things, but it is usally caused by a corrupt part of the OS. Windows will try to repair it automatically, but it is not always sucessfull. this could be caused by either shuting down your computer improperly, or a virus. Another common cause is a failed update, but windows does automatically make backupfiles for this.


Try loading a backup (if you have one), you could also try to start in safe mode to figure out what specifically is causing the problem. I don't have mutch expirence with safe mode, but event viewer will be a great first place to look.


If you don't have a backup, then a complete reinstall is generally the easiest method. Make sure to have the activation key down before this process, and if you don't have it written down somewhere. Then there are some tools that you could use (I don't remember what its called), boot into safe mode with networking, (or place it onto a usb drive from another computer then go into safe mode) to install it.

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