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Standby RAM stopping me from gaming?

DeFalco 210

I got a new laptop (ROG Strix 3) and am having an issue where during games I will have spikes of unplayable stuttering.


I noticed that out of my 16GB of RAM, games are consistently flat-lining at 40-50% usage and about 8GB is completely taken up by standby RAM with 0 Free Memory left. Using RamMap to empty standby list fixes the problem completely and immediately, but the issue inevitably comes back within 5 minutes, only being fixed temporarily by a reboot or RamMap once again, rinse/repeat.


I have made sure no extra programs are running to eat up ram, windows defender is put to sleep, etc. This doesnt seem to be the fault of any one rampant program as far as I can tell.


My previous computer had the same amount of RAM and ran the same games at similar settings yet never had this issue, so simply not having enough RAM isn't the problem.


I cannot find any solutions online outside of scheduling a program to empty the standby list or simply burying the problem with more RAM. What gives, how do I actually address the issue?

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had same issue, this fixed it

btw quote from video maker:  It has been brought to my attention that I did skip a step in this video. I apologize for this. Under triggers on the repeat task every section you do want to switch from one day to indefinitely. Thanks for pointing that out guys.

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6 minutes ago, Chabax said:


had same issue, this fixed it

btw quote from video maker:  It has been brought to my attention that I did skip a step in this video. I apologize for this. Under triggers on the repeat task every section you do want to switch from one day to indefinitely. Thanks for pointing that out guys.

@Chabax I super appreciate the input, I'll definitely be doing this until I can understand whats really going on. I'm still hoping that there is a "cleaner" solution as this feels much more like sweeping the issue under the rug rather than actually addressing how and why windows keeps filling the RAM with standby and not freeing it up. I'm really curious why my previous computer never had this issue?

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