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Remap certain controller functions in steam game

I have an annoyance with using a switch pro controller on PC to play the new Ori game on steam. In the game, the default controls for a switch controller map jump to the B button and abilities to A, X, and Y which follows the xbox pattern. The annoying part is menu navigation has B as accept for everything and A to cancel or go back. I would prefer to keep B jump as I like having the bottom button as jump, but having B and A reversed for menu navigation has really been getting on my nerves. I'm aware that you can remap buttons in steam's controller setup UI but that doesn't solve the problem, as while it might fix the menu navigation it would then make jump the right button instead of bottom.


I've scoured the internet for solutions but couldn't find anything that wasn't just remapping like the steam settings can do. There were a couple things I found for XInput but as far as I know switch pro controllers are only DirectInput. So far I've played about half the game with the reversed navigation issue and it's been one of those little things that just starts to drive you insane over time. If anyone has any ideas I'd be happy to try them.

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