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Star Citizen - Pulse Magazine: The SC Community Web Mag


Hello Fellow Star Citizen fans and Fans-to-be, i bring news! kinda, so lets just jump right into it.

What is the Pulse Magazine? 
Well honestly i dunno :D But what i can tell you its a Fan made Online Magazine with information regarding Star Citizen. 
Note: There is an "Official" Magazine but i believe you have to Subscribe for that one and its not Fan made (thus "Official")

Who made it?

NOT ME!!! A Member of the Star Citizen Community named Feylan together with Pokinatchapunx, Malleovic, SilverVolpe, Rod-Serling and NueBlue so Give all the credits and whatnot to them.

Who is this for?

Everyone, but id say mostly the New people and those interested in Star Citizen but don't know anything about it at all.

YES but if you want a physical one have to buy it.

Where can i read this?
Here: http://www.magcloud.com/webviewer/690644?__r=486018&s=w
Source: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/98098/pulse-magazine-the-sc-community-web-mag/p1

Why are YOU posting this anyway?
I felt like it and it would help alot for the people interested, but please don't give me any credits for this work ok? im just spreading the word. (feel free to "like" at least if you like)

Is its trusty and reliable?
Well its not PERFECT, if your well informed (im not) and you se some misses or whatnot, contact Feylan with Feedback (read the Source)

Any other way to get information 
Yes, Wingman´s Hangar on Youtube and Twich live stream whenever they stream!
There is also "Ten for the Chairman" where Chris Robert Answer Questions from Subscribers

Well that's all and i hope you all will enjoy this and any upcoming Volume Feylan and Co will publish in the future, i for one sure will. 

And now i only hope i won´t get in trouble for this for Reason X or Y :) Enjoy the Read y´all o/

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