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Unable to delete/see files. (Windows Apps???)

Tyler 19xx

I am reorganizing and reformatting some of my storage and I am having some issues.


I have a drive that is partitioned to about 1 TB. I have emptied the drive all that I can, leaving 2 folders, Steam apps, and the other is Windows Apps.

The only thing in the steam folder is WinRing0x64.sys (I have no idea what that is). And I cant delete it because it says its running. I've already copied this to other hdd.

Windows Apps, Well I cant even open it because it wants Admin. I really don't know what this wants me to do, I've tried all Admin stuff I can, but I really don't know what I'm doing here. 

Anyways, The folders only account for showing a few MB's.....but the Properties of the drive is showing 70GB in use. What the hell is this hidden 70Gb?

Key point being that this is not my Boot drive, So I really don't know why there is windows stuff on my other drives. 


my writing is shotty, I know, sorry.

Thanks for your thoughts.

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