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Everything posted by Deleon.David

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR4s4QswGS4
  2. ladies and gentlemen, i present to you not the stupidest. but silliest thing i have ever seen in my life. i mean, she did good... but... but... but... you'll know what i mean when you see it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBEAfS14Zvo
  3. dude, you're in the internet. nobody gives a shit about how old you are.
  4. hello, i've been playing guitar for about a year now. here are my tips. - learn the major chords. (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) do not learn any "minor chords" or "sharps" or "tabs" yet. - dont learn any songs until you can confidently switch from one chord to another. - pick a song that you like (make sure it's easy) and learn that one song for about a month. - move on to other songs - start learning bar chords, along with minor chords and sharps last tip - tabs are the hardest to learn although they sound better. - learn tabs after you have mastered all the chords. ps. make them girls faint
  5. it was down for me i was trying to download drivers for my k90
  6. japan is such a small but efficient and advanced country. i believe that they should have a limit in terms of reproducing.
  7. guys we should have a food porn thread going on here
  8. i think it means that you offending them is just putting yourself in the same level as they are.
  9. well... it's first person... and you shoot things... so yes... and it has rpg elements to just spice up the game play.
  10. yes for the love of jesus yes, get the legendary edition
  11. these changes are going to be massive game changers and yes thanks god they buffed drow, she was starting to become useless
  12. i see where you're coming from, although i would call borderlands a more comic feel rather than cartoon
  13. buy a second card if you have the power
  14. blood dries up very very fast. i wouldnt recommended it. plus it's going to stink up your whole rig
  15. i will prostitute my self for the finished product of this build
  16. because devils dont have butt holes
  17. "can it play crysis" i rather hate that saying. I mean yes it will put your gpu in a lot of stress if you want to see just how powerful your pc is. But i believe that game developers should look more into making their games look better, not realistic. im not sure if a lot of people get me on that. eg. bioshock infinite, dishonored and boarderlands 2. none of those games look realistic, but they look freakin amazing (better than crysis or call of duty in my opinion). not sure how i can further elaborate on that. What are your thoughts?