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Everything posted by Kingofpants

  1. Welcome to batch programming newbie, anyway I fixed your code up there to make it work. I made a simple batch program here that Factorizes any number. Remember their is a limit of 32 bit integers (31 with the first bit being the sign + or -). It also stores the factors into a text file called Factorizer.txt, make sure you have permissions in the location where you save the batch file. @[member=Echo] offtitle Facotrizersetlocal enableDelayedExpansion:begclsset "fac=0"set /p numb=Number that will be factored:if !numb! EQU 1 echo 1if not defined numb goto :begecho Factors of !numb! >>Factorizer.txt:primefactorset "tem=%numb%"if "%tem%" EQU "1" goto :factoredcall :check 2call :check 3set "k=1":primesset /a "rr=(6*%k%)-1"set /a "tr=(6*%k%)+1"set /a "pr=%rr%*%rr%"if %pr% GTR %tem% call :addfactor %tem% & goto :factoredcall :check !rr!call :check !tr!set /a "k+=1"goto :primes:factoredfor /l %%i in (1,1,%fac%) do set "use%%i=0":nextfactorset "multi=1"for /l %%i in (1,1,%fac%) do call :multi !fac%%i! %%iecho %multi% >>Factorizer.txtecho %multi%set /a "use1+=1"for /l %%i in (1,1,%fac%) do call :fixuse %%igoto :nextfactor:multi call :expon %~1 !use%~2! mset /a "multi*=%ansm%" goto :eof:fixuseif !use%~1! LEQ !facval%~1! goto :eofset /a "use%~1=0"set /a "nxt=%~1+1"if !nxt! GTR %fac% goto :endset /a "use%nxt%+=1"goto :eof:endecho Done!pause >nulgoto :reset:exponset "a=%~1"set "b=%~2"set "in=%~3"set "eq=%a%"if "%b%" EQU "0" set "ans%in%=1" & goto :eofif "%a%" EQU "0" set "ans%in%=0" & goto :eofif "%b%" EQU "1" set "ans%in%=%a%" & goto :eoffor /l %%i in (2,1,%b%) do ( set "eq=!eq!*%a%")set /a "ans%in%=%eq%"goto :eof:addfactorfor /l %%i in (1,1,%fac%) do ( if "!fac%%i!" EQU "%~1" set /a "facval%%i+=1" & goto :eof)set /a "fac+=1"set "fac%fac%=%~1"set "facval%fac%=1"goto :eof:checkset /a "rem=%tem%%%%~1"if "%rem%" EQU "0" call :addfactor %~1 & set /a "tem/=%~1" & goto :checkif "%tem%" EQU "1" goto :factoredgoto :eof:resetfor /l %%r in (1,1,%fac%) do ( set "fac%%r=" set "facval%%r=")goto :beg If you want to know how to install it its fairly simple, just paste the above code into a .txt file and save it with the file extension .bat
  2. You should read the pdf you posted m8. It is a lot of shit involving classification and its classified as 2B and basically says that the studies to prove they were carcenoginc aren't very reliable.
  3. AMD has a much greater chance to survive, they aren't facing market saturation. Infact they are in duopolys in GPUs and CPUs.
  4. Hello, so my problem is what is exactly described in the title. My monitors will basically be kept awake forever. Wasting power and probably killing them. This is a huge problem since I don't always like putting my computer to sleep. Relevant info: Windows 10 [All windows updates downloaded] R9 270 Latest driver 2 Monitors Idle timer is set to 2 minutes Connected using LAN LAN wakeup is disabled. Full Speccy List of Relevant Information I've tried a few things, mostly googlable stuff. Stuff im still going to be trying- Re-installing AMD drivers (since they were actually ported over after the windows 10 updates) Messing with my BIOS Edit: I included a energyreport from cmd having run the powercfg /energy Also powercfg /requests returns [DRIVER] An active remote client has recently sent requests to this machine. and all others are NONE. energy-report.html energy-report.html
  5. This is actually a pretty bad thing IMO, people have gotten used the the advantages of the G+ integration and this will suck. Like how I can change my name, and I don't need numbers or anything like that since more than one person can share the same username. Also it really really toned down the spam since you can apply restrictions to comments, I also loved the fact you could Multi Reply and add links and that comments were not restricted to 500 Letters. It also removed a lot of spam messages since the sort order really punished spam. Anyone remember these comments?: "OMG Rihana sex tape" "My friend just started up a new Minecraft channel Sub to XXX" "Im a musician and Im creating a new genre of Music please subscribe" "How come x million people watch when only 7 million in world?" "PressFarttoContinue's retarded amount of comments"
  6. Couldn't care less about the porn and I already have a cardboard. Honestly its not that great of an experience, Yeah the VR works but it experiences the issue of having to hold it up to your forehead which tires your arms. It gets sweaty if you try to keep it their for more than like 2 Minutes.
  7. You say this as though you'd like to have slow online purchasing.
  8. Highly experienced in batch scripter here Unfortunately you cannot Delete folders without knowing their specific names inside a folder without some fancy coding which I can provide but a much nicer way if you want is to simply use RMDIR to delete the entire temp folder and just make it again. Also you don't need the del bit if you delete the entire directory. RMDIR /S /Q "%temp%\"MKDIR "%temp%" :: If the %temp% thing doesn't work do "mkdir "%appdata%\Local\Temp\"
  9. Only issue is the pictures aren't universal, Different fonts use different pictures for the same Emojie.
  10. Wait for 8k 60fps I once downloaded the 4k 60fps video off youtube of the pyrotechnic flows off of a volcano. Those would never play in chrome without frame drops and wouldn't play in VLC either. So I loaded it up into mpc-hc 64bit (Much more efficient than VLC) and it kept my CPU at a constant 95+% but didn't drop anyframes. I use an Fx-8320 @4Ghz. Now convention would say an 8k video would have roughly double that videos bitrate and should run fine at 30fps. But I can't even imagine how little of the Billion+ people who watch Youtube videos would be able to support 8k 60fps.
  11. It doesn't matter, your taxes are fairly low compared to other countries and even if you pay taxes its still ridiculously cheap. My computer would have been 35%+ cheaper just south of Canada. Computer parts in USD are by far the cheapest. Around 70% of the the rest of the world has to pay.
  12. $0, mabye $.10 if your lucky. Anyway you won't make money off Minecraft. You CAN make money off coding though. Just learn to code in Java, very well. Then create a mod for minecraft. This requires not only guides but experience. Then host it on mediafire behind an ad.fly link and post it to the minecraft forums, if 5000 unique visitors visit it you get like a dollar. Yours never gonna make $3k a month but if get enough poulatity to get to three standard deviations above mean (0.3%) and you update the pack monthly you might get upto $50 a month.
  13. I knew this and its not very new. It did get a nice UI change though since the old one looked pretty garbage.
  14. Is it an actuall 6000mAh battery or is the the standard brandless battery hypothetical maximum? Example-
  15. A lot of comments will be made by people thinking they are somehow geniuses by downloading adblocking software. I guarantee it.
  16. Im not too much of a fan of the speaker but I could make a quick headphone stand to put on my desk.
  17. I guess I'll do a crossbow or some kind of ancient weapon.
  18. So Im at the point where there are a few days left of wood shop and I have done my projects so Im just sitting here. I wanted to know if you guys have any ideas for me to make, it must be constructable in a few classes (1 class=65 mins) and Not be too large. Like a box car or a small shelf.
  19. Well you would use the follow curve pushpull tool under the large toolset but im betting this is far too late. Sketchup isn't that bad for making models of buildings btw. Learn the hotkeys and shortcuts and basic functionality and you can make 3-D models quickly.
  20. Do you still need help? If so , just reply to this.Also its really bad practice in batch to not Quote your variables (besides when using set /p) So do set "path=%path%;whatever"Its because trailing spaces count , and you cant use more than one Word.So if you do set letter=b && set name=joe It will set letter to "b " and name to "joe "
  21. Depends , Storage makes a big difference, Core Count makes a big difference and Ram makes a big difference. If you want say 4 Cores, 120 gigs of SSD and 8 Gigs of Non ECC Ram. Here in Canada computer Parts are Ridiculously Expensive. So it would run you $700 for brand new. No idea how much second hand. http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/CFZhrH (Includes GPU, If you need headless that's cheaper) But in US you could probably shave off easily 40% of that and get a Nice one for $440 or so, even down to $360 if everything but the SSD and CPU are second hand. CPUs , Storage and Power Supply are the things you really don't want to cheap out on and get quality. Ram can be semi-garbage and Capacity is important. ECC is nice but not necessary unless you need it for important work.
  22. Don't bother with one of those servers unless you get an Rpi 2 , It will run at about 3-7 MBps without the encryption (Due to CPU limitation and 100mbps ethernet) and although I never tired it would probably run at 0.8 with any decent encyrption. Also running out of ideas on a Raspberry Pi is common since it really just a weak arm server/computer. Buying a cheap Xeon server would be a lot better for game hosting, FTP servering, Webhosting etc.
  23. Neutrons do can move, they decay quickly outside of a nucleus though.Just model a fision reaction, the total "Energy" (Energy+Mass) in an isolated system will remain constant. Wikipedia is your friend. Heres a nice model from it, It gets a lot more complicated when you introduce more elements (Parts of the model not the substances).