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  1. I skydived for the first time for my 18th birthday. The instructor is the one in control at all times, and they're extremely skilled and thorough at everything they do. Parachute inspections are very exhaustive and rigorous for a good reason too. It's normal to feel nervous on the way up to altitude, but once you make the jump, you leave the nerves behind on the plane and experience the joy of the moment. Savor it and let the instructor handle the minutiae.
  2. No LMG should not stop growing. But they need to do a deep introspection of themselves as creators and balance the content creation with the corporate side of things.
  3. You could probably put in a 3080 or 4070 without encountering significant bottlenecks. The 5600X is still a very good CPU.
  4. Has money changed Linus? Yes. Money changes everyone, no matter what their intentions are. Does not always have to be all doom and gloom though. But in the interest of pursuing a living, running a fully fledged corporation, and getting set up in life, it is beginning to change him in some ways. But compared to many other influencers, the changes have been relatively benign and mild. Relatively... And yes I'm aware of the current controversy. LTT is an influencer platform, first and foremost, and has been for several years. That's the paradigm now, unfortunately. Disclaimer: I don't actively follow LTT politics, as I have more important things to deal with in life. So if there's something else I've missed or overlooked, please let me know.
  5. I don't misunderstand it at all. I am familiar with how API access works. I am developing something myself that accesses the API of several sites. I've had to educate myself over the last couple years about this and many other topics related to what I'm working on. And no, I don't plan on commercializing it. I think you overestimate how many users (not mods) actually use the third party apps. The users contribute the most value to the platform, while the mods are there to enforce their subreddit rules, remove spam, and keep things in line (very doubtful on the last one). Anyway, Reddit has already stated that mod tools and moderation bots will be exempt from the API charges in the first place. These apps suppress ad revenue to Reddit in favor of their own ads, and take advantage of the gravy train of free API access. Now I don't like Reddit as a corporation and I think their CEO is a duplicitous moron, but I really cannot blame them for doing what a business should be doing — increasing revenue, especially in the face of an upcoming IPO. As for whether or not Reddit feels justified in thinking app developers owe them something, I have no opinion on that. They are entitled to their opinions, same with the app devs. Fair, but they should have had some kind of contingency planned out. These app devs were foolish and naive to believe Reddit had their best interest in mind. Reddit is a corporation, not their friend. Reddit has already compromised by allowing mod tools and accessibility-focused apps to be exempt from the API charges.
  6. Honestly good. Many mods have a huge elitist complex, and they abuse their power too much. Case in point, this foolish protest. These misguided protests really do not hurt Reddit's bottom line, as there's undoubtedly millions of users who straight up don't care about the API changes (I'm one of them), but are forced into abiding by the full blackouts of so many subreddits, many of which have good content that can't be reliably found elsewhere. As far as the API changes are concerned, the gravy train of free API access for these 3rd party apps had to have come to an end sometime. They should have prepared for this eventuality. Plus Reddit has already stated that mod tools and accessibility apps won't be subject to these API access charges. So what's the problem now? Oh, it's just "cOrPoRaTIoNs bAD!" That is to say, Reddit isn't entirely blameless in this either. Their API rates are definitely predatory, and their app is pretty meh. But I feel the onus also lies on the app developers for failing to prepare for this, and maybe strike up a compromise as far as API access is concerned. BTW Discord is a very poor substitute for Reddit. It's for chat and streaming, not for discussion or looking up information.
  7. For streaming, the 2070 will be marginally better, thanks to its superior Nvenc encoder. For gaming performance, the two cards are roughly the same, but the extra 3GB of VRAM on the 1080Ti might be of some benefit in newer titles. You will not have access to DLSS or ray tracing effects on the 1080Ti though, so if you want either of those you'll have to go with the 2070.
  8. An acquaintance of mine had been running a haggard old Phenom II x4 CPU until recently, when he upgraded to a Ryzen 5 5600. The Phenom II was able to "run" many relatively modern games, up until probably the beginning of the PS5/XS generation. Due to it missing modern instruction sets, it's not capable of running current gen games I believe, at least not without serious workarounds. Feasibly I'd assume the earliest AMD CPU that can run modern games is the FX 8000 series. For Intel, I wouldn't go with anything less than a Haswell i7.
  9. My first build had an i7 2600k and a GTX 570. I held onto it from mid-2011 until mid-2017 (upgraded the GTX 570 to an R9 390 in 2015), after which I switched to a Ryzen 1700 and GTX 1080 build.
  10. Honestly since the CPU and GPU are already several generations old, I'd probably sell it now while they are still very capable and relevant. Put the money into a solid gaming laptop, and go on from there.
  11. I grew up on Xbox, so I use an Xbox One S controller for my PC. I only use it for certain games though.
  12. Probably... I'd go back and tell myself to finish my degree, instead of wimping out due to a personal and family crisis (happened simultaneously, I could not handle them both). But that being said, I likely wouldn't have met my wonderful GF and embarked upon this strangely quaint and wonderful life journey I'm on. I live (mostly) carefree, with very little debt outside of some outstanding student debt (less than $25K) and have an okay income (around $49K). That family crisis and some self-reflection and introspection afterward had caused me to rethink my life and take a new trajectory, so I decided not to return to school to finish that degree. I instead pursued IT certifications. But I look back and wonder how many missed opportunities I've have had with that. So if I had the chance to go back 10 years, I'd have told myself to suck it up and deal with the crises when they'd come. Also to put $1K into ETH
  13. Wow that's a name I haven't seen in a hot minute. Last time I perused their catalog was when I was building my first PC back in 2011. I bought an SSD and some misc components from them.
  14. Got a few to share off the top of my head: Disney's MCU "phases" peaked at Avengers Endgame, and have been on a freefall ever since. Endgame was the last movie I saw of that franchise. Infinity War was also a superior movie to Endgame. The Academy Awards are more about virtue-signaling rather than actually recognizing real talent, with other award shows following suit. Pepsi is superior to Coke, with the exception of Vanilla Coke. Bing search is superior to Google search now. Milk is one of the most overrated sources of nutrients. Fortified milk is a step in the right direction, but no substitute for eating a healthy amount of greens.
  15. I can probably build an older system with the parts I have laying around. I have my old 2600K, 8GB DDR3 RAM, and my R9 390 laying around (I would have to buy a new PSU though). Maybe I can make it into a server or something, minus the 390 due to its power usage.