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About ik1nky

  • Birthday Feb 18, 1993

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    Grand Rapids, MI
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    Junior Member

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  1. Are you using Nextcloud AIO? If so, you need remove the master container, then add --env NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR="/media/Nextcloud" to your docker run command. instead of /media/Nextcloud replace it with the directory you'll be using. Make sure to put it before the "nextcloud/all-in-one:latest" line. https://github.com/nextcloud/all-in-one/discussions/890#discussioncomment-3089903
  2. Have you considered that you might get better responses and that someone at LTT might be interested in answering your concerns if you didn't start with an overly aggressive attitude and respond like a dickhead to everyone who has questions/comments?
  3. You can save the maps locations. Its using the maps api, so download whichever areas you want in Google Maps.
  4. There's no reason to say why when there is context. But let me humor you: -Its hypocritical. Luke and Linus have complained about cheaters many times on the WAN show, now they're showing people how to cheat. -There's no need for this video. There are already plenty of sources that show how to do this. -Cheating is bad mkay?
  5. AT&T goes against every ideal that the show has ever supported. They stifle innovation, bribe politicians, and strong-hand all competition out of business. They should not represent the show nor should LTT endorse such a company.
  6. PM me your code and the errors you get in the console/logcat and I'll take a look.
  7. Even though it was said above, I want to make sure that you know that the A40s are not 7.1 headphones. The mixamp processes the sound to make it seam like 7.1. This is a much better solution than the 'true' 7.1 systems primarily because you will have 2 large quality drivers instead of many small cheap drivers.
  8. SLC Punk Howl's moving castle Red Dawn Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog Just a few of my favorites
  9. Personally, if I were to do it all again, I would start with python. Python will teach you all the basics of programming, force you to use good style, and allow you to build fun and powerful programs. Python is great for beginners as the syntax is structured more naturally than C based languages and all around easier to learn. While Visual basic is an easy language to learn, I wouldn't go that route myself. VB isn't really relevant outside of the business world and doesn't allow you to learn all of the essentials of programming by itself. If you would like to program for primarily a Microsoft environment,I would recommend c#, however, its not a very common starting language. No matter what language you choose, I would start with a good book. Any online tutorials I've seen don't do the fundamentals very well. Grab a book from the library and for the first month rely primarily on that. After you have learned the basics: variables, methods, loops, etc. I would then recommend using online tutorials to further your skills. I quite like thenewboston for quick and simple tutorials. Hopefully that helps with your decision. Happy coding!
  10. I'm a second year university student studying computer science(of course). I really have no idea what I want to do with cs in the future, but I'm interested in linux dev, android dev, and a little game development. I do know I will not work in databases as they bore me like nothing else. My preferred languages are Java and c++ although I have experience in C, Assembly(mips and intel), python, and vb. I have also worked with various scripting languages, dmls, etc. such as oracle, mysql, php, plsql,xml, javascript and more that I do not remember. When programming in Java, I use eclipse as my ide, but otherwise I just use nano as I don't like the way the other ides handle things(*cough* codeblocks and netbeans *cough*). If there was one thing I wish I could improve with regards to my programming, it would be my usability and design skills. I just don't have the artistic skill to develop good looking apps on my own.
  11. To say that Java is a useless language is flat out wrong. While it may not always be the best choice for game programming, it is becoming more and more popular and gaining more and more support for game development. Outside of game programming, it cannot be dismissed. Even Bjarne Stroustrup says that java is an essential programming language for every programmer to know and use. Now, if you are looking to get into the game programming industry, then c++ is the route you would most likely want to take. It is the industry standard and has a massive amount of libraries and game engines built for c++. c++ places focus on efficiency and if compared to lower level languages, ease of use. Java on the other hand places its focus on even more ease of use and compatibility with just about every computer out there. As with any other sectors of the programming industry, the key is to learn as many languages as you can in order to implement your ideas in the best way possible.