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Everything posted by Tsuki

  1. my smallest skyrim save file is almost 2GB lol
  2. you'll have to make the tough choice between this, or a new character slot in Metal Gear: Survive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ its fun. for 10 bucks, fuck yeah. you can actually do a lot of really cool stuff with the combat system. and dont listen to people like huilun02 who obviously havent actually played it(and obviously hasnt played shadow of war either). and just spout random bullshit just because "ea is evil dont buy from them"
  3. moving the mic in front of the keyboard may help. but thats pretty normal for condenser mics. its all about proper placement
  4. oh well damn you're right. that'll need something like THIS. but honestly do what i suggested before..
  5. that board doesnt have wireless...and nowhere does it mention that it has that feature you will either need to get a usb wireless adapter, or a wireless PCI card.
  6. something something lol amd.. for real though, it could be getting ready to catch fire.
  7. somewhere like /r/Xb1Mods might be a better place, as this sort of talk generally doesnt last long here
  8. stick it on craigslist, mention it hasnt been used for mining, and slap a $750 price tag on it. itll take a week or two, but somebody will buy it
  9. you can try goo-gone that stuff is awesome, but honestly a new case would probably be better if its really bugging you
  10. Ive actually thrown one across a parking lot just to prove that exact point. if the drive isnt spinning, it can take a little abuse. i still generally suggest not dropping it, but even so, itll be fine.
  11. This. DDU and reinstall drivers
  12. personally i'd still run the fans, but heat isnt something to really even think about until its going past 70c under load
  13. it is, but nowhere in the lawsuit does it mention the actual lead content, just that its too high for california. people should understand that this entire lawsuit is fucking stupid. california only allows 0.5µg/day of lead, whereas the fda says that up to 6µg/day is fine. its a ridiculous california law because california is scared that everything on this earth causes cancer.
  14. so do apples (the seeds anyways)
  15. thats fair im just expressing my personal opinion. and i do understand yours, i just have a different perspective. im glad we can have open and honest discussions about this kinda stuff though! Edit: but none of them were bad games because of the reasons i listed, they were bad for other reasons. in fact, several of them i would consider good games(although people do disagree with me on that).
  16. could be worse, could have the game designed around needing to purchase lootboxes in order to progress the story due to a difficulty curve (Shadow of War). it could the developers blatently lying about how much content was in the game, including core features that sold the game but never made it in(No Mans Sky), the degradation of quality post release(Andromeda, Watch Dogs), game ports that never get fixed(arkham knight), microtransations and dlc out the ass(train simulator, the sims, payday). all of these are worse than a bad game, and in every single one of these events, people blew the fuck up, then forgot about it a week later. to what end? pick your battles, and pick ones that actually matter.
  17. ask your parents for money. but honestly, save your money. having to pay to use android apps on a mobile device is fucking stupid
  18. i completely agree, right up until the point that CyberPunk 2077 gets announced
  19. as somebody who used an FX series cpu for many years. FX wasnt even just fine when amd didnt have anything better. not to mention nowadays with the complete lack of upgradability and using ddr3 memory
  20. that fair, and ill change that in my post. its definitely not most. but there are a good portion that are like that. and while the situation is certainly not ideal, its nearly as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. its not loot boxes/gambling, its not p2w. as somebody who comes from primarily playing mmo's and despises these kinds of practices in them, this is a commonplace, and is not nearly as egregious as other practices. i just firmly believe that if you make as big of a deal out small things as you would actually serious things, then it kinda hurts your argument and people stop giving a shit. @leadeater started out that way yes, but it hasnt been a real hardware limitation since 2006 when the DS came out. thats now 12 years of only one save slot when it doesnt NEED to be. its officially been not a hardware limitation longer than it was one.
  21. im well aware of how korean mmos are, i play BDO lol i dont see this as cancerous. like i said, in many single player games, you would have to delete your save to start over anyways. nobody has ever had a problem with that before. if they take out the option to buy a new save, then the issue completely goes away. this gives you an option that you normally would not have. just think pokemon, you only get one save file. you want to start over, delete your save. would you pay 10 bucks to get an additional save in pokemon? fuck yeah you would. you'd pay 20, get 2 additional saves, and have a save for each starter. this is an additional option that you normally would not have had. the only problem is that you have to pay for it. dont like it? dont pay for it and just delete your save like you normally would.
  22. nope, just you. stop being creepy
  23. if your modem happens to be a modem/router combo, you can buy another router that supports bridge mode. itll connect to the modem wirelessly, but you'll need to use ethernet to connect to it, since it wont be able to send out a wireless signal in bridge mode.
  24. buying all my games via digital download and a vpn in another country. no more tax. problem solved.
  25. im gonna be totally honest. i dont see the problem. most many single player games only have 1-3 save slots. if you want to start over, you delete it, and start over. and looking at multiplayer games, paying 10 bucks for a new character slot isnt overly egregious, its pretty much standard. if the game didnt give you the option to buy a new save slot, nobody would give a shit about having to delete the character to start over. edit: edited cuz ashleyashes makes a fair point