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  1. It says in the manual that the fans are under automatic control. see page 73, ...this should be independent of the operation system?
  2. Hey, nice progress so far, I'm digging the beard, its nappy and very cool. you have taken an idea and turned it into a concept, this is something not many people have the patience for, so for that *thumbs up*. this forum is also full of... not so nice folks, so over looking previous comments.... I think this is a really cool idea. Darpa or nasa would really get a kick out of using both the index fingers and the thumbs interdependently. Asking random nerds, on a form, to build a controller I fear is a waste. I would start by documenting what you have, both electrically and mechanically. +1 if your schematic is awesome. Then head over to hackaday and post an open source project log. I feel a few renegade engineers might take interest, and maybe even lend a hand. Also, on a personal note, you look nuts, like ya do, but you present yourself very well. Normal people don't like that, it shatters there plastic ideas and skewed world views. Stay weird, and don't give up, the world needs more free thinkers. I'm serious about the documentation, deriving electrical connections from a picture is hard and often impossible. p.s. I might have been the guy that helped you 6 or so months ago, I'm glad its working.
  3. I completely agree, 90% of the C++ alternatives are safer, and switching between types is a pain. void see_safe() { //When input is 123456789 char buff[9]; scanf("%8s", buff); //Buffer overflow's can't exist }
  4. I did use C++, I should have made that clear so the OP wasn't confused. and using <cstdio> is perfectly valid, its still technically a part of C++. You should post a code snip-it for comparison, adding relevant content will benefit everyone.
  5. Spoiler



    When your hands are just to damn small.....

  6. #include <random> #include <fstream> #define SIZE /*1kb*/ 1024 //size of rnd file #define O_F_NAME "out.bin" //output file name int main() { printf("Here's a tissue\n"); size_t _meow = 0; char *rnd = new char[SIZE] {0x00}; std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 generator(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution<char> distribution(0,255); while(_meow < SIZE) rnd[_meow++] = distribution(generator); std::ofstream output(O_F_NAME, std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::trunc); if(output.is_open()) output.write(rnd, SIZE); else printf("fail\n"); output.close(); delete[] rnd; printf("fin!\n"); return 0; } //line 20 I would really be interested in seeing the GO (golang) source you speak of. Every failure is an opportunity to learn.
  7. Info dump: More information would be appreciated. "Basically its got a configuration loaded", how? was it working in the past, if so, what changed. Is it a new board?
  8. Ebay, That's where I get all my chem's. Just don't wind up on a watch list. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Copper-Sulfate-Pentahydrate-Crystals-99-Pure-5-lbs-Bag/132132964114?hash=item1ec3bd0712:g:~xoAAOSwjDZYYq65 https://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/60590/what-is-the-difference-between-copper-sulfate-and-copper-sulfate-pentahydrate
  9. yeah, no worries, glad ya got it working.