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    North-East Scotland
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    PC & Display Enthusiast

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  1. Appreciate the input but you couldnt pay me to own an apple product ...well ok you could but it would have to be ALOT lol.
  2. Glossy hands down. If you havnt ever seen a Gloss finish panel on a suitably high contrast display, like a good VA panel LCD, OLED, Plasma, or CRT, then you really dont know what your missing. Even on the best high contrast displays, a Matt finish will reduce contrast, and black will no longer look as black as it should. The drawback, reflections, sharp bright reflections. But, if your the kind of person who is really into displays, you will already have the environment adjusted to account for the type of display your using. So reflections shouldn't be a problem. Ofc, if the panel itself is total crap, the final coating used is irrelevant. Sure a glossy finish may look less crap than a Matt one, but its still crap.
  3. Cool ! government oversight on Ai training models, im sure this wont be co-opted for political and/or social agendas........ /s You give these models ALL info ..or none ...otherwise they end up biased. if you dont like the outcome from said Ai after giving it ALL the data available ..dont interact with the Ai to begin with.
  4. Performance wise the following cards are all roughly in the same ballpark depending on the game: 1080ti 2070S 2080 3060ti 4060 7600 6600XT 6700XT A770 So basically find the cheapest few options available to you from the above and pick the best. Gamers Nexus did a recent 2024 re review of the 1080ti to see how it stacks up today.
  5. https://www.net-7.org/ Havnt played it in a few years, but its still up and running.
  6. If a game has a dedicated enough fan base, even if most of game code is server side, the fans can rebuild it from scratch if they have to, to keep it alive. An old example from a simpler time it may be, but. Westwood Studios Earth & Beyond was/is a space based MMO, a spiritual predecessor to Eve Online. It like games like Blizzards WoW, and D3, had the vast majority of its game code server side, the client was non functional without it. When EA (fk EA !) bought out Westwood studios, for the sole purpose of owning the C&C franchise, they immediately shutdown Earth & Beyond. it took many ..MANY years, but a small dedicated group of fans rebuilt the game from scratch using what little info they could get there hands on, and now you can play the fully functional game online again. It would have been nice if this wasnt necessary as the player base most likely would have been much bigger in the years following the official servers demise. And while games that are good enough and popular enough can always be 'resurrected' with enough dedication from talented fans, forcing publishers to release the code neccesery to maintain private servers or otherwise allow client side solo play is a much desired and needed thing, im all for this.
  7. if i'm not mistaken, and i'm not American so i may well be on this particular issue, wasn't that actually about common decency and re-confirmation of what is and is not appropriate in schools for young children along the lines of pornography. IIRC the books mentioned were entirely unsuitable for kids of the age that were being targeted, with content of a pornographic nature and discussion on sexual activities that such young children shouldnt even be thinking about let alone being taught in detail from a random book. So if thats what you on about, in all seriousness thats REALLY! not something you want to be using in defense of your point of view. >.< Anyhow, it doesn't matter where the bill is coming from, or who has put it forward. The idea of restricting social media and all that it has become from those that it is currently harming, is a good thing. Access to information and communication isnt being entirely shut of here, just the easy access to the cesspool that is social media until such a time that a person is somewhat more capable of navigating through it without being permanently harmed by it.
  8. Good. Social media, as it pertains to being perpetually online with a mobile, is very bad for kids. They are addicted to the point of threatening suicide if they cant use it, and going so far as to do incredibly stupid lethal things just because their social media said so. It teaches them to be talked at, and for them to talk at other people, and not engage in proper debate and discourse, especially face to face, resulting in adults incapable of accepting things they dont agree with and retaliating violently or in other extreme ways. Since parents nowadays are incapable, unwilling, or otherwise unable to actually parent, its unfortunately going to be left down to companies, and government, to put in place safeguards to at leeast attempt to keep some semblance of moderation in place on how young people develop as a person. being perpetually on social media is not good for a developing mind, we know this now. The idea that without access to social media these kids wont have anything to do is ...well thats the kind of thinking that results from being on social media all the time. There are plenty of things to do nowadays, more so than in the past, even if one cant 'go outside'. A rather extreme series of circumstances, but in this scenario the child needs help/treatment. One would hope the police or social services get in contact with the parents first before any major investigation to inform them of whats been reported and offer assistance/support in an entirely non combative and non accusatory way. Now if things continue to progress without change, or gets worse, then sure protective services can then step in if they think the child is being pressured into 'the group' or otherwise not offered essential psychological help.
  9. I used to watch 'lets Play' and 'achievment hunter' years ago. Stoped after they threw Ryan under the bus. Honestly as they got bigger things just got worse. Not surprised they have finally folded.
  10. no idea, its on facebook and i dont have an account
  11. So the 'system' you using is located in your original country of origin, ur trying to access that with ur laptop outside said country but u cant get access in those situations. Well then the only way to make the 'system' think ur local is to use a proxy / vpn. And if multiple different proxies have the same slow speeds its likely a country wide / town wide issue with the local ISP providers. In other words, nothing u can do since regardless of what u use ur still having to use the local ISP to connect to the 'system'. Now it 'could' be the case that the local ISP are detecting VPNs and throttling those connections, in which case u'd need to try obfuscated connections. NORD has those as an option, not sure about others.
  12. If u can get the original receipt you may still be able to use the warranty, if its still within warranty that is.
  13. Didnt know it was a thing. thought if people wanted to run an android app they would just use BlueStacks lol.