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Everything posted by GamerBlake

  1. I think I can agree with that. I mean I understand why the game is so demanding. The graphics are insanely good and there is constant activity in the city and the CPU has to do all those calculations for every little thing. The 3080 is an amazing GPU that makes me regret getting a 2080 Ti. If had known a 3080 would be about 10% better at half the price I would’ve waited. Then again finding one in stock is nearly impossible and then greedy people are buying them up to sell for twice the price which is something I just cannot support or take part in. I think the 3000 series is great because it’s not like a huge bump in performance compared to the 2000 series but Nvidia was able to drop the prices to more affordable levels. Like people who couldn’t afford a 2080 can now buy a 3070 for much cheaper and get similar performance. I’m glad to hear the problem isn’t just my PC but is the game itself. Hopefully some patches are released to optimize it better. Thanks for your input! I appreciate it.
  2. Thanks for the info! I have everything maxed out and enabled and when possible set at “quality” as priority over “performance”. The only thing I have disabled is “motion blur” because Linus said in his “Cheap vs Expensive Gaming” video that “it’s stupid.” Here are the settings I’m using at 1440p. The part of the game I’m at now is giving me about 30fps now. Which kinda sucks but the gameplay experience isn’t too bad and I’m not getting stuttering or anything which is great.
  3. Ohh maybe that’s it. I have everything maxed out for quality and RTX & DLSS enabled and set at max quality rather than performance. So basically I’m playing the game with the most demanding settings possible. Either way though I seem to be getting by OK with ~65fps. Sure it’s not as great as 144fps but it’s not like there is stuttering and freezes and stuff like that. Heck don’t/didn’t most consoles run at 30/60 FPS? I figure if people can play consoles at 60fps I shouldn’t really complain about 65fps. Plus I know I’m lucky. Not everyone can afford a 2080 Ti or a 3000 series card. I feel bad for the gamers who are running GTX 760s and similar GPUs. Heck I was playing WoW last night with a guild member who is still using, no joke, a GTX 680,
  4. I already downloaded Nvidia’s latest drivers. I think it’s because you’re running it at high/ultra 1080p and I’m running max settings at 1440p.
  5. Hey everyone, I picked up Cyberpunk 2077 the day it came out and I’m wondering if anyone is having FPS issues? Im running an 8700K + 2080 Ti and I’m barely getting by with like 65-75 FPS @ 1440p with almost max settings. So I’m wondering if anyone with lower end GPUs are having significant issues with FPS?
  6. Really?? What didn’t you like about it? It was the first AC game I ever played and I have over 200 hours in it.
  7. Why do you say that? Speaking from personal experience I really loved AC: Odyssey and it was the first ever AC game I ever played. It encouraged me to buy almost all of the other AC games. However I may be a unique case as a student of Classical History. I gave it a lot of bonus points for realism in terms of visuals and locations as well as including actual historical figures in their proper context. Although with some artistic deviation as would be expected in a video game. If you’re an “old school” AC player I can understand if you think the game is deviating too much from its original plot and becoming unrecognizable as an AC game.. But at the same time new players like myself are getting immersed in the game and in the end the more fans the better right? If AC Odyssey had been a total garbage heap of a game I would probably think differently, but it was a good game. Maybe not groundbreaking or game changing but I’d give it a solid 8/10 or B+. Would I buy it again? Yes. I got over 200 hours of play out of it and spent $49.99. That’s a fair deal in my book. P.S. The nonsense with the $129.99 “Ultimate Edition” is ridiculous and I encourage anyone even considering this game to wait for a big sale like I did. I got the “Ultimate Edition” for $49.99 during the Summer Sale which is $10 cheaper than the “Standard Edition” is during non-sale times.
  8. It really depends on where I am. Whenever I do a raid and there is lots of fighting it will drop down to 40-45 FPS. The only possible thing I can think of slowing it down is possibly my RAM. It’s 3200 MHz overclocked to 3600.
  9. So I did all the settings like you said and I’m getting 87 FPS where I’m standing right now.
  10. Leave adaptive quality off?? I thought yours is on?
  11. Hmm looks like you have Adaptive Quality on and I don’t.
  12. What are your graphics settings? Also what resolution are you playing at?
  13. I don’t think it would have an edge over a 1070 Ti though right?
  14. I wouldn’t recommend a 750 Ti even if it did work. Even if you played at 720p with lowest settings possible you might eek out a whopping 20fps. My little cousin has an ASUS 760 and he was getting 28 FPS on low settings at 720p. My brother has my old 1070 Ti and plays @ 1080p with lowest settings he was getting 35 FPS.
  15. It’s definitely not my PC. If it was my PC it wouldn’t just be one game. When I play AC: Odyssey I get much better fps. The weird thing is when I play AC: Valhalla my CPU is only 60-70% utilized and my GPU is only 75% utilized so it’s something wrong with the game itself.
  16. I use a shield & axe so I don’t really know how the dual wielding stuff works. I do know the skill tree has perks that give you special abilities if you’re dual wielding.
  17. It’s not all bad though. Not by a long shot. There’s a lot of good ideas in the game I just feel they didn’t polish it up before release. It feels like playing a beta version of the game where the devs are still unaware of lots of bugs. When I was about an hour into the game I jumped onto a tree and got stuck and then ended up dying stuck in a tree.
  18. I’m just wondering what others think of the game so far? I’ve got about 5 hours of playtime so far and while I do like the time period & story..I think it does have some big problems too. I think the combat is rather clunky and ridiculous compared to AC: Odyssey and I think the performance of the game is the worst I’ve ever seen. Im running an OC’ed 8700K + an OC’ed 2080 Ti and I can’t get over 85 fps @ 1440p no matter what graphics settings I play on. Whether it’s low, medium, high or ultra it’s always 85 FPS max with dips as low as 45 happening regularly. Anyway just wondering what others think and if anyone else is having these same issues? Thanks!
  19. Yes I do have XMP enabled. The problem isn’t me or my PC. The problem is the game being defaulted to borderless instead of full screen. Once I changed it the problem was gone.
  20. I can assure you this one isn’t very CPU intensive compared to Odyssey. I have an 8700K OC’ed @ 5GHZ all core and this game was “only” using 60-70% utilization compared to Odyssey’s 97-98% utilization. However playing at 1440p Max settings still seems to be tough for it and I definitely can’t get the full 144hz even with a 2080 Ti. I read people with 3090s are having trouble with 4K/60 FPS.
  21. All my hardware is fine. It was the game. My 8700K was in the 60s C (65-70% usage) My 2080 Ti was 65-68C (90% usage) My DDR4 3600 RAM was 9GB/32GB used. No all my other games run fine. So does this one once I switched from borderless to full screen. I made this post for people who might not know that’s the issue like I didn’t know until I found it.
  22. Hey guys, I’ve been playing AC: Valhalla for a few hours and it was really frustrating because I have an 8700K & 2080 Ti and the game installed on a Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVMe SSD and even with that it kept dipping down from 85ish FPS down to 8-10 FPS and then going back up to 85ish FPS again causing stuttering. I couldn’t figure it out but I went into graphics and by default the game is run in “borderless” mode. If you change that to “full screen” it really helps smooth things out. Not to mention in “borderless” the FPS is capped at 60fps, whereas in “full screen” you can set it at 30, 60, 120 or 144fps. I hope this helps! It would’ve helped me. - Blake