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Victorious Secret

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Everything posted by Victorious Secret

  1. Yup. Breakout was very fast. No shields, no radar, no re spawns. Rarely did I have a round last more than a minute.
  2. Matchmaking was very good. Tiered ranking system and it rewarded you for more than kills, which matters I think because not everyone on your team is a run and gunning kill earner, but others do get assists and do other things which when you're playing as a team, is very beneficial. So the system seemed fair in how it matched you. In so far as its competitive nature? It felt like Halo 2 or CS. Equal starts. Everyone on the same starting ground. No one has any distinct advantage with respect to abilities or what not. Everything felt properly paced. Hell, the "Breakout" game type felt like competitive Halo should feel. It just felt 'right'. All the armour abilities originally felt pointless, but they add to and make the fighting even more intense, giving you way more options to deal with other people. Smart players will absolutely trash players who run and gun, which IMHO is how Halo should've always been (Reach and Halo 4 went the opposite way with load outs and weapon drops, that stuff isn't competitive and its too random)
  3. Plays great, all things considered. Both under controller and with KBM. But that was last Winter, but I truly doubt the core mechanics have been altered much. The competitive nature of multiplayer felt perfect. 90% of the matches were well matched and made sense, weapon balance needed tweaking (SMG too strong, AR felt like it could snipe people across maps, DMRs scope took up a large amount of screen space). All in all, I would've paid full MSRP back then to own the game and keep on playing, so anything beyond that is gravy.
  4. Because MS doesn't give a shit about putting their multi billion dollar cash cow of a franchise on the PC. Deal with it. Get over it. It will maybe happen a year or two down the line when the game is old, but I doubt MS has any desire to port over their system seller anytime soon. MS gives you the OS and the APIs and the sandbox to make games. Get over not getting every franchise. It makes PC gaming fanboys sound obscenely petty. MS has plenty of focus on PC gaming.
  5. Well, since gaming news is fair game for this section I figured I would give a fairly popular game a proper news post. Hell, if we're going to have gaming in Tech News, might as well do it right. Game Informer got a LOT of details ahead of the E3 reveal, most of which revolved around playing a campaign mission and getting some backstory on the events leading up to Halo 5s storyline. Looks like Blue Team is back (read the books, they're awesome, or go to Halopedia to learn more). There is just so much information that is bulletpointed below: Halo 5 will launch with 20 maps on disc, 15 more as DLC. But wait, FREE DLC! You heard that right. Free. Free maps. All being launched over a period of 9 or so months. Thats pretty awesome. We will have at least 35 maps for free, who knows how many more. They are also set to reveal a BTB evolved game type. Halo Reach was supposed to have something called "Global War" or something to that effect, maybe 343 is bringing it here. Battlefield + Halo + Republic Commando squad commands? Yes please. I ain't even mad. I want that. Below is from GameInformer directly, I recommend you guys go read their article (links are all down below): Now, some images. I will link more albums but here is a taste. Frankie from 343 confirmed that these are in-game. Not CGI. Pretty damn impressive. Character models have some a long way: Sources: NeoGaf 1 & 2 GameInformer Article GameInformer Article Scans GameInformer Images 1 & 2
  6. Umm...who cares? Cosmetic items as DLC? who really cares? Do we all cry that CSGO has 500 dollar knife skins? Fuck no, so what gives us the right to complain when other games have this optional nonsense that doesn't affect the gameplay?
  7. But the problem is that AMD can't say "Titan X competitor" when they're barely beating/in some cases getting beat by the 980 Ti. It screws up the entire marketing of the card. AMD can say the Fury competes with the Titan X all day long, people will look at the 980 Ti and say "Okay, you offer Titan X performance for a couple hundred less but your Titan X competitor isn't beating the lower tier card..."
  8. Source was right from Apples own bloody presentation. Apple Maps has way more usage compared to Google Maps on iOS, Google lost their exclusive rights and with that lost a lot of users (casuals who don't download apps to replace stock ones, specifically).
  9. At least two more hype events and perhaps another cringe worthy ad before we finally get a new card. Hype? Hype.
  10. Apple wants separating for their former reliance on Google for their services. They've done a good job kicking Google out. Apple Maps gets used nearly 4 times as much as Google Maps. Google Maps on its own isn't that great anymore, like most Google products that get bloated. I don't get it. Apple is building out their own version as to not be slaves to Googles demands, its a bad thing?
  11. Uhh... Nvidia is skipping HBM1 and going to HBM2. AMD doesn't have some exclusive rights to HBM, they'll be neck and neck on that front. People will now say "oh it's a Titan competitor for less" when it barely beats the 980 Ti, in single or dual configurations. The hype train is crashing. It's okay. Fury is a good card and if the price point undercuts the 980 Ti it'll be great for us. But it won't, because AMD cant run a charity for a business anymore.
  12. Thats what they want to encourage. They want their developers to do MORE. Not just focus on one platform under Apples umbrella.
  13. Yea...anyone making extensions isn't going to have trouble coughing up 100 dollars to cover fees. Like you said, this offers a hell of a lot. I was paying 99 a year just for the iOS side of things, now I get EVERYTHING in one payment under one roof. I ain't even mad.
  14. Someone just doesn't understand that Core M is inherently designed this was. Passive cooling, you will truly only get so much when you are passively cooling things. This is not the chip for hardcore work nor is this the computer for hardcore work. If anything, it is on Intel to create new M chips that carry even lower TDPs and put out even less heat (smaller processes will clearly help with that). Apple has little to do with how bad Core M can throttle short of shoving fans on it and ruining the point.
  15. I like the collectible ones. The Titanfall one was nice and the Advanced Warfare one was just well done. DS4 has too janky a BT setup for PC use not to mention this is a native solution that has a standard behind it for inputs - it will just plain work like the wired One controller does now.
  16. No free tier makes sense. People either truly want to use it, in which case 120 a year is a joke compared to what they spend on music anyways, or they don't listen to enough music to make it worth it, in which case they don't. Apple doesn't have to pay out royalties for supporting a free tier, artists are assured money no matter what else hence why artists are more likely to pick Apple. Spotify can cry as much as they want.
  17. iPods are in a weird segment now, can't imagine them selling well as they normally did. I'd like to see a modern Classic again, with connectivity options for Apple Music, but I doubt it. September 8th or whenever they have it that week. New iPhones, iPads and very likely new Macs as well, but a large part of that depends on how fast Skylake is rolled out and if Skylake-E exists for the Mac Pros to use.
  18. Logan should feel fucking ashamed. You asked a valid question, you weren't being an asshole, and this is how he treats someone who just wants an answer and explanation. Amazing. This is the kind of person you kids look up to in the tech world? Really? Someone who will break down at the slightest hint of disagreement? Amazing. Just amazing.
  19. Lol holy shit, how personally is he taking this? You made a validate tweet asking him something very relevant, yet he got upset because someone dared point out his hypocrisy. Wow. Next thing we know he's gonna get his fans to dox you or something.
  20. 9.99 a month. Android and Windows too
  21. Drake is a known quantity. People like to think all these other bands or artists are more important, but Drake fronts one of the most profitable NBA teams in the league, his music is world known and he himself is just a plain well known person. Thats the kind of person you want fronting your new product, cause he gets everyones attention even if his music isn't as well received.
  22. Apple has been busy firing shots at news aggregation apps, Google and now all music streaming apps. Not sure if it'll work but its been hilarious to watch.
  23. watchOS 2 beta is available today, full release in Fall as always