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Everything posted by lutewan

  1. lol no its fake why on earth would there be sales /s yes there are sales all the fucking time, but the big ones are the summer sale and winter sale
  2. the walking dead season 1 and 2 fuck that shit I dont want to cry some more after knowing whats going to happen
  3. depends on the state oh wait you said b.c I have no idea sorry
  4. lutewan

    My GTX 660 Ti idles at 28C and loads at 38C. My…

    I want to see a pic of this
  5. haven't gone to school yet going to be late because im playing with my cats
  6. NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater 8GB+ RAM Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output (required) 2x USB 3.0 ports (required) Windows 7 SP1 or newer (required) damn I barely have a good enough pc for that priece im willing to get it
  7. I guess I need to summarise my country? the State of Wan a land full of black gold. It's located between the red sea and the Persain gulf on the arabian peninsula. A center for arms trade. it exports most of its oil for resources that it doesn't have
  8. I think I did but I have a feeling I messed up
  9. we need more then one person to run this. the last time I was part of this the guy running it got busy and couldnt do it anymore. but i like to be Saudi Arabia if no one has taken it also you should edit your first post to inculde all the info, rules etc.
  10. it's a hanging table no legs. its very sturdy it wont fall. I plan on have my monitor wall mounted so that's less weight too http://i.imgur.com/nbyLNXV.jpg
  11. Today I installed cat5 in my room. Today after almost a year i can finally have my setup in my room. Here it is in all it's glory. (shitty pics incoming) http://imgur.com/uteK4df.jpg http://imgur.com/OYYneCP.jpg I built this desk from scratch with my dad. http://imgur.com/GY4szqm.jpg http://imgur.com/lnx0eyF.jpg just need to get a decent chair now Edit. someone tell me if the pics are showing up
  12. well I just did my first crimping it turned out well so I did it three more times. I wanted to tell someone so im telling you guys next step running ethernet though the attic and drilling a hole in my wall after that saving up a nuff money for a freenas server,switch and possibly a another router
  13. he wont know what hit him fyi it's the handle of my mop @Laputacake http://i.imgur.com/hGZDV.gif
  14. what wait? I thought I was the only janitor. I might need to talk to him.
  15. got 2 day in house suspension for shoving a kid who when decided to fall on the ground and cry for ten minutes and then limp around for the rest of the day
  16. who? is he the one starting fights?
  17. can you guys please stop fighting it's really hard to keep the carpet clean when there's blood in it sign- the only janitor
  18. yeah i dont think this has anything to do with racism. your hitting on your coworker so you got fired what do you think would happen?
  19. i cant tell if this is a legit post asking for help or just a troll :mellow: :huh: :blink:
  20. i will play it but i will wait because it will have bugs (its Bethesda) also im cheap and wont pay 60 bucks for something when i know theres going to be at least 3 dlcs