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Everything posted by Reytime

  1. Contrary to popular belief; some scalpers actually offer reasonable prices.
  2. The whole thing goes out the window when you factor in that console players get the new levels for free. It's just one giant mess. EDIT: IOI responded..
  3. Is this new? From the EGS Hitman 3 store page: Does this now mean we do get the Hitman 2 levels in 3 or is this just referring to previously unlocked rewards? :/
  4. Game should have been PC and next gen console only. Sadly last gen is where the money is at currently.
  5. This is bad. And to no fault of Epic - IOI been saying that Hitman 2 on Steam would carry over to Hitman 3 on EGS for months. They should have come forth with the truth from the beginning as they knew something like this would happen. No doubt. I was really looking forward to Hitman 3 as I'm a huge fan of the series since Silence Assassin on the PS2.. but this makes me really think twice about purchasing the new game. This is not how you treat your fan base. I already bought Hitman 1 and 2 twice, on Xbox and later on PC. Am I going to purchase them a 3rd time? This whole world of assassination concept sounded great on paper but is a complete mess in reality. This is not an ongoing live service game that gets patched with new content like an MMO would. They're individual games they try to throw together as one large experience. Didn't work well, IMO.
  6. My 3090 FE and 5900x (same tdp as 5950x) run just fine with the RM850x. I don't overclock however, so that might change things.
  7. 10400F. It’s also more recent (2 years).
  8. People should stop telling other people what to do. That's what I think.
  9. Which makes me think of the theory that Intel is purposely allowing AMD to do well in the current market. ':)
  10. Not really. Don't they make most of the cash from DLCs? RDR2 Online is pretty much a F2P game with bunch of premium content to buy.
  11. So I haven't followed this launch.. was it worse than the 30 series launch? Initially I was really interested in a 6900XT but I'm guessing that launch in December won't be any better.
  12. My search has officially ended. 5900x in the pocket. Must say the Ryzen 5000 launch was much better than the 30 series was. Pairing this with some new 980 Pro PCIe4 storage also
  13. I used to use Fraps for the past decade but with some newer titles it stopped worked properly. I've since switched to Window's Xbox Game Bar Overlay Performance widget. Runs with pretty much any game although sometimes it requires you to run the game in windowed borderless.
  14. I believe this has something to do with Window's full screen optimization. You should be able to turn that off in the games root folder. Properties settings on the .exe Somewhere in there. Disable that and it should fix the stutter. 2080 Super is plenty for 1080p ultra so it's not the hardware,
  15. I've seen tons of pictures of it but has Nvidia even confirmed its existence?
  16. Prices are up all across the board. I sold a 2080 for $600 US the other day - which I paid roughly 700$ US for 2 years ago. It's a good time to sell hardware.
  17. It's a gimmick until properly implemented and less of a hit to performance. I could care less about the ray tracing in Watch Dogs Legion tbh.
  18. The AIB models have yet to release for the AMD cards and prices are somewhat coming down on Ebay for the 30 series. If you really want a new gpu you can get one. Depends on your determination, I suppose.
  19. The only thing I’d personally be worried about is the VA panel. IPS looks much better. This is most likely why it’s such a great price as the rest of the specs are great.
  20. I’m sure all of the hype and scarcity of these cards really add to the excitement. I know it did for me! I have yet to put it in my rig, can’t wait to see how AC Valhalla runs compared to on my 2080. Ive always found upgrading your rig to be more fun than building one from scratch
  21. This thing is absolutely massive. I can’t imagine anyone opening the box for the first time not going “wow”. I used to think my 2080 was big lol nope Now just patiently awaiting my 5900x. Hopefully that ships anytime soon.
  22. I got the game via Ubisoft Plus for 15 bucks and even then whenever I play it ask myself why. Besides the horrible performance and subpar graphics it’s just not that fun to play either. Here’s to hoping Valhalla will be better.