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Everything posted by 4ndrew

  1. Sources: https://boringcompany.com/ http://www.theverge.com/2017/4/28/15476268/elon-musk-the-boring-company-car-tunnel-concept-video Elon Musk has been in the news for a number of reasons this week, although this one is pretty boring Personally I think this could be a cool idea as when underground cars wouldn't be driven so much as transported so getting across a city could be much faster, and any congestion taken off the road is good imo. Elon tweeted this in December, with many thinking that he was just joking around: However this image taken outside Tesla shows that Elon is actually serious about this and that work has already begun: And then Musk tweeted a link to boringcompany.com which as of today just shows the concept video. From anybody else I would think this idea is unrealistic, but he seems to have a record of pulling these things off ?
  2. ninite.com is the first thing I would do after installing drivers...
  3. Software control. Also you can make cool patterns or have the lighting react to things like CPU temperature
  4. Look like it only appears to the creator of the video, so maybe it's just so you can see if the creator liked your comment or something...
  5. Anybody know what the new heart under YouTube comments does? Also interesting that creators can now pin their favourite comments to the top of the comments section, maybe this will start to improve the cesspit that is the YouTube comments section...
  6. That's pretty cool actually, how is that fixed to the card?
  7. I think the combination of jet lag and some really bad turbulence gave him really bad motion sickness when trying to use VR. He was alright once we got back on the ground though, I think he gets motion sick quite easily anyway and the disconnect between what he was seeing and feeling made it worse...
  8. I've flown quite a lot over the years, most recently London to Tokyo (12+ hours) during which a friend tried VR and was ill for the duration of the flight. And there is really nothing to worry about when flying, it's actually one of the safest things you can do apparently because of all the safety procedures in place. You'll be fine!
  9. Classic, but only listening because I met Bob Geldof the other day....
  10. Can we expect a return of the legendary profile pic anytime soon?
  11. Haha, WAN show should be interesting this week (edit: it's interesting every week)
  12. Spent a day in school memorising pi a few years back, can still remember the first 24 digits now...
  13. I like making random GoPro videos such as the one here, edited in Premier.
  14. Define R5 or H440 are good choices for silence and good looks at the same time.
  15. Yes capitalise languages, e.g. German, French
  16. 4ndrew

    Noobish help

    Here you go: http://www.howtogeek.com/133254/beginner-geek-how-to-reinstall-windows-on-your-computer/
  17. 4ndrew

    Noobish help

    Format the drive and reinstall windows.