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Acid Panda

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Everything posted by Acid Panda

  1. putting this into pc part picker would help people lots https://pcpartpicker.com/
  2. you should now have to reinstall GeForce experience
  3. @Jacrispy please follow the instructions carefully,
  4. well the error code says: BROCCOLI errors indicate there has been an issue detecting the player's GPU and are commonly caused by a driver crash. To attempt to mitigate this error, players should always ensure that their Operating System and Graphic Drivers are up-to-date with the latest version. have you tried ddu is normally a common fix listing what you have tried will help people narrow down the issue
  5. @kelvinhall05 I do get where the hate comes from and I'm not defending them (though I do like their products, look at my signature), I just feel that people band waggon and don't take experience from having and using their products. And its the fact that people won't complain if their product works but will if it does not. So it skews the perspective of a wider audience to be negative. I'm sure if surveyed the forum of those who have had their products most would 'positive' and still work or just not be used any more.
  6. Time to make space for the razer hate
  7. windows does have a built in file explorer. go to your motherboard manufacture website and find the motherboard that your bought there should depending on the manufacture have a downloads option that will include software. download that software it will normally give you the option do download it as an installer/7zip/WinRar. as personal prefrence I use WinRar in to a USB, plug the usb into your pc and then you should be able to install you Wifi drivers from there. (if it tells you to buy WinRar ignore this you never need to but it to use it). once you have windows setup and ready you as an average user you rarely need to go to your BIOS most things can be sorted through the windows environment (OS) If I have explained this badly this video^^^^ has a few tips and its visual over words. PLEASE TAME TIME AND DONT RUSH.
  8. you answered your own question. download the drivers so they can be installed from the USB and your sorted.
  9. you should @LinusTech and find out
  10. would be tempted but they are too thick. predator XB241H for refrence
  11. Unlocking a phone never really has been much of a problem I found. though its a good move for the consumer. maybe they will get rid of SIM cards all together.
  12. do try and contact their support, explain your situation very nicely you might luck out and get a good agent on the phone or email. also post a good quality pic of the from and back of the bare pcb so people can paw over the pic
  13. @Kurferix it looks fine, though (a little expensive) do look for some reviews.
  14. well your could run a long cable. or there are wifi cards that go into the 1x slot. or use a usb one. https://www.overclockers.co.uk/asus-pce-ac88-dual-band-wireless-ac3100-pci-e-adapter-nw-105-as.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI54aS-OXS7AIVh63tCh1HJQbvEAQYAiABEgLjfvD_BwE this is my one, its way to expensive but was my best option. old house with stone walls I can't drill though
  15. just wanted to check as sometimes it can be reset if you change or upgrade a GPU. and if it was lower you can effect some people
  16. quick tip for people in the UK  who don't know already. look at Uswitch for phone deals. was able to get a family member for £38 a month:


    100gb of data and ultd mins and text plus usage as normal round 70+ countries with Three

  17. check to see if the refresh rate has not been reset.
  18. they all gather to one location and chant their lords name 'Eh'. then apologise for the chaos after
  19. @CutePanda @Elad.Evron Quick addendum the WIFI card is in a 1x slot if that makes a difference
  20. @CutePanda I do have a 2tb hard drive but there are some things i would like to have on an ssd like certain games or programs that are large file sizes. current ssd is full so need to have a larger capacity
  21. Hello, With prime day prompting me to look at my hardware I came to the conclusion that I'm in need of a new SSD from the SATA one I currently have (*). But as I have been doing some research its come to my attention with a concern about how many lanes I have left! There also seems to be quite a mixed amount of information and opinion. So on my MOBO (**) I have a GPU in the 16x slot and a WIFI card in the 4x slot (house has thick stone walls that make drilling though them impossible and old wiring powerline adapters don't work ). My question is will I suffer adverse performance if I buy a NVME M.2 and what is the best method for migrating my data from one to the other. I also have a 2tb hard drive also, will this be effected or will it just work with the new ssd when its been cloned Processor is a 6700k. (*) Current SSD: https://www.ebuyer.com/758695-adata-256gb-3d-nand-ssd-asu800ss-256gt-c?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIscrRh7Wx7AIV4IBQBh0wrA20EAYYASABEgJJYvD_BwE (**)Motherboard: https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-Z170X-Gaming-3-rev-10/sp#sp. (***) what I might buy: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-MZ-V7S1T0BW-Solid-State-Drive/dp/B07MBQPQ62/ref=sr_1_7?crid=2P4ZXG3QARWLT&dchild=1&keywords=1tb+m.2+ssd+nvme&qid=1602587556&smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&sprefix=1tb+m.2+ssd%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-7 happy to answer any questions if I've missed anything
  22. dose you laptop have an HDD or an SSD as it might be the hdd.