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Everything posted by exetras

  1. There an experiment you can do at home, put a plant or a piece of a plant in a microwave and make it run for 10 seconds. You are going to blast it with ~1000W of 2.4Ghz for 10 seconds. Its not going to look good after that. And this is the other point about this whole radio waves debate, cell phone towers and and cell phone themselves use a lot less power to send off your data signals. I believe LTE uses between .05W and .25W to transmit. Its not enough to do any sort of damage.
  2. 5G is going to recycle a lot of the 2G spectrum and other early cell phone frequencies. its why they have been turning off those generations of hardware in the past years. Those frequencies have been used for years and are safe. Also the biggest source of radiation which does cause cancer is that big yellow ball in the sky. wear sun screen people.
  3. Here are a couple of the Charts: endimiento en 4K y 1440p: En 4K tienen un rendimiento muy parecido. En algunos juegos es mejor AMD, en otros Nvidia, pero al final del día en promedio la Radeon VII rinde 1% menos según la propia AMD.
  4. They are close in the synthetic benchmarks, in games it varies a lot more. Again wait until release day for better results.
  5. RTX is like 3D movies, looks nice but add nothing much in terms of value. For now.
  6. https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/radeon-vii-benchmark-rtx-2080/ Computing That last sentence is quite interesting, AMD + AMD = Better Perf. I like it. But I like to take caution when getting initial Reviews, so I will wait for the NDA's to drop and see what everyone else is saying. Enjoy. Edit: Adding more content: Source: 3DMark #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 AMD Radeon VII Final Fantasy 15 benchmarks The VII has appeared on FF15 benchmark website. In the standard quality benchmark, the Radeon VII surpasses RTX 2070, but it fails against RTX 2080. It is worth noting that FF15 is NVIDIA title, featuring some technologies that exclusive to RTX series. The higher quality setting has put Radeon VII even lower, even under GTX 1070 Ti.
  7. Do we know when the Reviewers will get their cards and when the NDA Lifts?
  8. Link: https://www.backblaze.com/blog/hard-drive-stats-for-2018/ My Opinion: Its nice to see that only 3 drives got listed as having an error rate higher than 2%, the worst being 3.03%. Also 2016 was a really bad year for HDD's.
  9. Even Roku has a similar spike in price, https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/roku/interactive-chart
  10. According to TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2018/12/12/nvidia-perfect-storm/ Personal Opinion: I always thought NVidia was over valued but this seems to be quite a dip, more than markets adjusting to the crypto crash. This crash will be interesting to follow as it might be a sign people who invested in crypto and GPU makers trying to recoup any money. https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/nvda/interactive-chart?timeframe=2y
  11. Yes, the lack of Winnie the Pooh filters angers his majesty so much. I'm also a fan of Game visuals promote incorrect values. Which values are these?
  12. According to BBC.com https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46507894 Personal thought: seems china really doesn't like any unfiltered chat or chats that allow any critisms of the Regime. This seems to be targeted to the majors players and will trickle down to other games. And more from Reddit.com https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/a4w3ux/chinas_ethics_board_reviews_20_popular_online/ **** The Information Below is leaked and not from official sources **** Game Cause Recommended Action Arena of Valor (Tencent) Overly revealing female characters, rewards given based on rank, distorted concepts of history and culture. Corrective action League of Legends (Riot) Overly revealing female characters, rewards given based on rank, inharmonious chatroom. Corrective action Blade & Soul (NCSOFT) Overly revealing female characters, inharmonious chatroom. Corrective action Chu Liu Xiang (NetEase) Overly revealing female characters, inharmonious chatroom, game missions include fraud. Corrective action Overwatch (Blizzard) Game visuals promote incorrect values, inharmonious chatroom. Corrective action Diablo (Blizzard) Inharmonious chat, game missions include fraud. Corrective action World of Warcraft (Blizzard) Overly revealing female characters, inharmonious chatroom. Corrective action Westward Journey (NetEase) Overly revealing female characters, inharmonious chatroom, distorted concepts of history and culture. Corrective action Code: Eva (Tencent) Rewards given based on rank, distorted concepts of history and culture. Corrective action The Legent of Mir 3 (WeMade) Inharmonious chatroom. Corrective action Swords of Legends Online (Aurogon) Inharmonious chatroom. Corrective action PlayerUnknown's Battleground (Bluehole) Blood and gore. Prohibited/Withdraw Fortnite (Epic) Blood and gore, vulgar content. Prohibited/Withdraw H1Z1 (Daybreak) Blood and gore, vulgar content. Prohibited/Withdraw Alliance of Valiant Arms (Red Duck) Blood and gore, vulgar content. Prohibited/Withdraw Ring of Elysium (Tencent) Blood and gore, vulgar content. Prohibited/Withdraw Paladins (Hi-Rez) Overly revealing female characters, blood and gore, vulgar content. Prohibited/Withdraw Free Fire Battlegrounds (Garena) Overly revealing female characters, blood and gore, vulgar content. Prohibited/Withdraw Knives Out (NetEase) Overly revealing female characters, blood and gore, vulgar content. Prohibited/Withdraw Quantum Matrix (NetEase) Blood and gore, vulgar content, inharmonious chat Prohibited/Withdraw
  13. Red Hat (CentOS) is considered one of the more stable OS out there, They tend to priorities stability over big changes. So when you do a point update (7.0 to 7.6) everything will keep on working like it did before. The support you get from Red Hat is also known to be very good. One of the scary part of the acquisition is all the other tools maintained by Red Hat, like Ansible and Open Stack. Edit: Here is a list of popular affected Sofwoare/OS: RHEL CentOS Fedora CoreOS Ansible Openstack Openshift Ceph etcd Prometheus
  14. There was a massive market sell off yesterday. All Stock Market gains in 2018 were erased yesterday. It was a bad day to announce any kind of bad news.
  15. I've been using music bee and Groove music since Winamp got abandoned. I'll give it a try once its out.
  16. Good on [H], they got the scoop on this. Who ever breaks the news, gets the biggest piece of the pie and the ad revenue. This is basic journalism these days. The NDA equalizes the field for every reviewer that sign the NDA, but it also can screw them should something like this happen. Its a gamble reviewers have to take. Note: [H] could now pass this sample card around to validate their findings.
  17. Wait until you get in the industry, its amazing what a lack of resource or pure laziness can make admins and developers do. Also security tends to be a money pit for businesses, so its hard to get the proper resources to do security correctly. Your best tool to get money, resources and training is events like this, use them to scare those that are blocking the changes into submission. Another thing that happens is lack of validation, so someone might have run a tool that encrypts databases, but never verified that it encrypted the correct database or did any changes. This can be due to Lack of training\resources\time or simply doing it because it was required by an audit and they didn't care. I hope someday the IT administration field requires some kind of training\experience validation like the Aviation Mechanics.
  18. I Shared it with CBC go public.
  19. If anyone is interested, this is the privacy act of Canada https://www.priv.gc.ca/en/privacy-topics/privacy-laws-in-canada/the-personal-information-protection-and-electronic-documents-act-pipeda/ It looks like the Company failed in many regards.
  20. Whoever did the PCI audits fucked up royally, they might end up being liable if it can be proven they fucked up.
  21. https://www.privacyfly.com/articles/ncix_breach/ Welp today is not a good day to be a PC enthusiast. This breach is going to hurt some more than others, I also wonder is Linus's T4 is in there?
  22. Low Cost PC, tablets, Laptops and their ability to do steam Streaming of games.
  23. This is big news, I hope people are able to replicate it.
  24. Added link: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/08/21/intel_cpu_patch_licence/