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Everything posted by ImNotDeViLzzz

  1. Let me just say I am back to running a GTX 670 in my pc and when coil whine wants to happen at it's peak it is quite hard on the ears. LOL!
  2. https://www.coolermaster.com/catalog/cases/full-tower/haf-x/ https://bit-tech.net/previews/tech/cases/cooler-master-haf-x-and-the-future/1/ I am sure there are other cases I am not thinking of that I liked from then but searching all over the internet for specific years of cases is not going to be a fun task right now. Already sent too much time on the website tonight. LOL!
  3. Clearly I did. Also I understand that AMD cpus benefit from faster ram but that applies to if the person wants to use the on chip graphics. Seriously if you are going to tell me that the AMD cpu that he picked and even an RX 570 is not going to do what it seems he wants it to do then you are allowed to do that but you'd be wrong.
  4. You try again. Yes I read the initial post and then read the responses after and then applied something to my response to make things clear. Did you read my post?
  5. Yes it is good enough for 2019 gaming if you mean being able to play games at 1080p and 1440p at decent or max graphical levels. As for 4K gaming it is going to be a not so fun experience to do anything with newer games. I just looked up some older games at 4K with the card and not sure of the settings they used but the only game to reach 30 FPS 4K was GTA V I believe it was. There will be games that run better with lowest settings but likely to be really old titles. PS: Just noticed someone said the cpu and mobo were not compatible but what I said above applies to an affordable build that many are going for right now which is a decently priced CPU (AMD) and an (AMD) RX 570 or similar.
  6. Epic Games has every right to do what they want. Also Linux users there is this thing called dual boot you can do or you can partition a drive and use Linux on one part of it and Windows on the other and play games made by Epic Games. I remember having posts taken down just because I was said to be trolling by recommending this legitimately once or twice by Level 1 Tech mods Look you can fight for Linux to become more common place and give people more options but from what I experienced for years being part of the Level 1 Tech side of what was once Tek Syndicate I honestly have no sympathy for crying Linux users. Talk of feeling entitled to something eh how about maybe get the people that work so much on 1 billion versions of Linux and get them focused on creating games to maybe make being a Linux user a better experience. Sorry but no sympathy from me to Linux users I have met as they were just horrid people in many ways. Also for the record let me state though that having options is good and so if Linux became easier to use and was a more affordable OS and was supported by more gaming companies and others in a greater way that would be great for the consumer. Also for the record let me state yes there are horrid people that use Windows. LOL!
  7. Forget the SSD. Stick with spinning rust until per dollar you get what hard drives give. Hard drives for life!
  8. Thanks for confirming this. I was just telling some guy at EB Games he reminded me of Riley. I didn't remember the name Riley but could not forget the hair. LOL! Anyway definitely have a reason to watch to watch some of this LTT related content now.
  9. This is just ridiculous. No need for an i9 in a device like this. Didn't even bother to watch the video due to it's ridiculousness.
  10. Wait a sec! Is the guy on the left the guy who used to have that slick looking greased up hair in the NCIX vids when Linus was gone from them? If so I may be interested in The WAN Show again. Guy was funny as hell in the NCIX vids. As for not seeing Linus in his own show he started which I think has gone on for some time now that is just strange though. I haven't watched in ages so I don't know how long it has been since Linus has not been a regular part of it or has missed some. What is the deal there? PS: I assume Linus might want to spend more time with the family as he gets older and thus is doing less of that and not just because dealing with the other things related to the company being taxing.
  11. A cocktail hour .... Never thought I'd hear that mentioned in relation to Linus Tech Tips. : S LOL! I guess it is done to **** the *** of the sponsors to make that $$$$$$$$$$$$. Hate it but get it.
  12. Look I am on a budget for things and like to save money but instead of buying some mining card just spend the extra $100 or so to get a new GTX 1060 6 GB and have the warranty and be done with it. Heck also if you got to go used they are only $200 now used and are the real gaming card. Also with the cheap AMD offerings out there that perform as well or better the heck with Nvidia. (Coming from a guy that pushed Green Team forever .. PhysX) Get an RX 570 for $179 or $199 and maybe be lucky to get free games with it and also have a new card.
  13. Luke gone? Everybody gotta die sometime. : S
  14. The idea in this world much of the time is to make profit and so doing it the way they are doing it now works like a charm for them. If they took it on the road they'd have to charge far more. How many in the community are willing to spend insane money to help cover their costs? I'd love to have them show up in London, Ontario which is over half a million people and could support things but I never expect to see it.
  15. At one point would have loved to meet both Wendell and Linus (and maybe even still at this point for reasons) but at this point I think I'd be murdered by them and my body hidden in the wilderness of BC. Actually enough of their fans would want to do it so they'd not even have to be involved. : ( : S As for the others on there yeah some big names and one I have found really interesting at times lately checking in once in awhile is Gamers Nexus. They do some really good work.
  16. Of course it is worth it. Using it even just as a media player for $30 makes it worth it. Heck you could resell it for more.
  17. Original poster I think you meant to say gem. Am I right? Just point it out for you so you can correct your post. Now as for finding that pc for $15 no way you find deals like that where I live. Fingers crossed that in the future though.
  18. OP I am just thankful finally that as Canadians we can get stuff from the US store shipped here and even for free. I didn't know about this all until about 2 days ago maybe. The Canadian version of Amazon is useless most of the time. Anyway one last thing and that is if you are asked to pay customs fees / duty you can always just say to return it to the company and get a refund.
  19. : O .. Get a 4K monitor or good 4K game playing tv if you can spend the money on a card like this.
  20. Well finding a 4 TB Seagate internal hard drive for $99 Canadian killed getting the SSD. I like all my games installed and many a time I find that games I have on Origin, Steam and other places are not installed and I need way more room to do it so yeah bye bye to the SSD idea. Also in having all games installed that means I can pick up and play a game for the heck of it for a quick session. Many a time over the last few years with me playing more games I am getting frustrated with not being able to do this. I guess I would have to say if I was in an insane financial position which would require lottery winning big I believe then I would buy high capacity SSDs ... maybe. LOL!
  21. How do you know his main pc isn't AGP video card based? LOL!
  22. Keep it as a backup card in case something goes wrong with a pc and you need a card to test things. Also if your main pc doesn't use AGP then you could do a retro build for yourself or someone else. Another thing you could do is just make with it and other old parts or just display it on a wall or whatever to really geek out.
  23. It seems like a good deal but I still don't understand why I would need this or anything faster than my spinning rust. I don't turn pcs off very often and this don't crave faster boot times. In regards to loading maps faster for games which some mention I can't really see it saving me that much time over a gaming session and really I don't play MPer much anymore although I recently played WOW and load times are fine for that. Like more important to me would be saving me load times in a single player game but can you get this sort of advantage when you use spinning rust for the OS and then have some games on this. Also really how much time are you going to save? Anyone have numbers to show? Anyone know? Also thought this might be useful in an old 775 socket pc but it only has USB 2.0 ports. Somehow I have a feeling though many will say that this will be good enough? Yes? https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?reviews=all&Item=N82E16820242399&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL100818CA&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL100818CA-_-EMC-100818-Index-_-InternalSSDs-_-20242399-S0B&ignorebbr=1&_ga=2.255298760.1508137403.1539031608-1271462633.1531551623
  24. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/metal-gear-solid-v-the-phantom-pain $4.99 US!
  25. https://www.origin.com/can/en-us/store/battlefield/battlefield-4/expansion/battlefield-4-premium The game really isn't as cheap as you'd want it maybe for some but you can still add this free deal and get the game later on.