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nick name

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Everything posted by nick name

  1. Or I guess the cables are probably labeled appropriately and keyed properly at the component end. So this was probably a very stupid question. My apologies.
  2. So I guess Seasonic should do a better job of labeling and not grouping them all together? EVGA seems to do a better job of distinguishing. And looking at the EVGA unit I can see a difference in the keying.
  3. I've been looking at the back of several different PSUs and some seem to group CPU and PCIe together and some will label specifically CPU and GPU. My question stems from the units that group them together. The keying on the back of the unit makes them look identical, but I haven't checked the component side keying. Are they the same? The CPU 8-pin and GPU 8-pin?
  4. Another reason I think it's a bug is because when I've seen this before it's the first displayed card that shows available (sometimes switching to Sold Out as the page loads). The rest of the cards just show Sold Out.
  5. I can't tell one way or the other.
  6. That's been happening to me since launch. I can't tell if it's a bug or if the item is getting snatched up by bots.
  7. Yeah, I wouldn't think so too but I recently played with a Radeon VII and it needed CSM. It's the only reason I mention it.
  8. Have you tried looking for lists without luck? Or are you looking for a list compiled here? I've seen compilations of reviews in a list type format, but I don't know that anyone has compiled a definitive list of cards. I don't think any single reviewer has had access to every card available to make such a list.
  9. And after you clear CMOS you might find that enabling CSM in BIOS will help with some resolution problems while in BIOS.
  10. Another option would be to unplug your drives and that should make it boot directly into BIOS.
  11. Oof. Even reading the definition freaks me out.
  12. Looking at that thing freaks me out. I can't remember what that's called. The freak out bit.
  13. Well my theory is that the timing of the BSOD has to do with drivers or services conflicting with something and until the correct one is running you can't use your monitor. But that's the theory of someone that doesn't know. It almost feels like Windows is trying to install a driver (which usually takes a moment after Windows start) and while it's doing so you can't use your monitor. So it wouldn't hurt to try and install the latest iGPU driver as well. Also, to try and use DDU to remove the current 970 driver and then re-installing it.
  14. Have you tried removing video drivers for both the 970 and iGPU with DDU? And then re-installing them?
  15. Google reads your gmail and delivers targeted ads based off of it. Google doesn't make money providing services to you they make money gathering information about you through the services you use that they provide. They then sell access to you (through ads) to their actual customers. That's how social media also makes its money. You aren't the customer -- you're the product.
  16. But they didn't call it a Titan. They called it a 3090.
  17. There is a lot to read here, but is anyone else not bothered by the only 10% increase in performance from the 3080 to the 3090 yet there is a 100% increase in price?
  18. Also, recent leaks show the 3090 being only about 10% faster yet costing twice as much. That doesn't seem like something I could live with.
  19. And I didn't catch it at first, but they used Lyle. Bahahahahahaha.
  20. Hello and welcome. I came here to say this exact thing. That segue benchmark graph and the drop-in of the lttstore.com during the intro had me rolling.