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Everything posted by Malandrix

  1. Let them know that being wrong is something you should be shot for in the eyes of elitists.
  2. Or for those who use texting still use an app that will delay your time to send and let you cancel it before sending.
  3. It should probably be able to watch streams on low-med quality.
  4. Not so good in my standards. All depends on where you live and what you will do with it.
  5. How long it has been since I've seen the NOS logo besides the riced out civic with a sticker outside of the train station to my school.
  6. This demonstration will probably be a movie prop that has "a future".
  7. Single 970, you'll be fine as long as you don't plan on adding a second card.
  8. People just like to be creative now don't they? Anywho that is a pretty cool case, thought it would be a block but I was not disappointed.
  9. We're already talking about making a game look better before it comes out here. Maybe Rockstar can do this and make it a patch later on.
  10. Definitely an eye-catcher. Looks nice, I like the rusted look on the water cooling loop.
  11. Can't believe I watched The Interview at a friends house while this was going on.
  12. It's an office, like any other office. People seem to think that all the big "tech" companies have HQs with unicorns and icecream machines flying everywhere.
  13. Send him a box of teriyaki chicken. I would be happy.
  14. "Beginning today, the SteelSeries Sentry Eye Tracker is available for $199.99 / €199.99"
  15. At first I thought "Wow, they're being good guys." Then I realized that they had put a restriction that they will only remove from people close to them? Come on team XBone, what are you doing?
  16. That's some pretty impressive hardware but it should be able to work with 2 4k monitors quite easily. Gaming... ehhhhh
  17. Looks crazy yet brilliant at the same time.
  18. Are the games still in any folders that you have lying around?