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Everything posted by drok

  1. When does NDA end for 1080 benchmarks? Was it today or tomorrow?
  2. Division in 4k on 1080 Edit: seems they removed the video. anyway it ran 43 ish fps average i presume max settings and with gsync
  3. quote "New asynchronous compute advances improve efficiency and gaming performance." Source http://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/a-quantum-leap-in-gaming:-nvidia-introduces-geforce-gtx-1080 so i guess they do have some kind of asynchronous compute voodoo magic in their cards.
  4. The best powertools from my experience are from Feestool. If they would make a phone i bet it would be even tougher than nokia.
  5. Rig name : LilPotato Cpu: 4790k @ stock Gpu: msi 660ti pe Ram: 8gb @ 2133mhz Score: 1.4
  6. ok now i am beginning to think its a vccin and not vcore. i reverted to defaults and its stayed the same.
  7. When ever i want to under volt my cpu and set it to offset or adaptive my vcore skyrocket to 1.8.. Is it safe? (cpu 4790k)
  8. i just changed dns server and got my internet back. edit: i am actually quite satisfied with ziggo, when i moved to a new apartment and couldnt establish connection they sent a service man on the same day. Prices are reasonable for 40 down and 4 up (€46) and i can use their hotspots everywhere in the city(for free). The only thing i dont like is they force me to pay € 16 for cable tv i dont watch.
  9. just wanted to let ppl know that recomended tray price will be $366 http://ark.intel.com/products/88040/Intel-Core-i7-5775C-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_70-GHz
  10. Do you have black bars when watching youtube videos full screen on 720p?
  11. what does these abbreviations even mean p2 p1 p1+p1k ms2+ can someone tell me cause google wouldnt
  12. I wouldnt take the ubisoft hacked codes thing all that serious. The codes were probably from a cheap region eg. china etc. So when ubisoft saw the are losing moneys they quickly declared that it were hacked codes. You do need to activate codes afaik to make them work and getting them hacked and activated dunno sounds fishy but thats just my opinion. About G2A i used them just once had to wait for my code for about 10 mins but at the end the game still works so no problem here.
  13. Vessel: dsid4evr https://www.vessel.com/videos/Su_Wqd7Vl https://www.vessel.com/videos/LCoY5zfFf
  14. I dont know why but this reminds me of Dorohedoro. Would be awesome if they made doro instead.
  15. This one costs € 230 but has 8 cores and 2 gigs of ram http://en.thl.com.cn/product/thl-5000.html
  16. why ? retoast btw http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/236769-hungarian-government-to-impose-new-internet-tax-in-2015/
  17. They want to fight anime piracy like that!!! Japan knows we dont have bandwidth to download 8k anime.
  18. Just checked r9 290 prices here in Netherlands and its 290 euros. What are the odds? link
  19. I actually like the launcher and it uses 0% constantly and only spikes during updates. Dunno why you think its bloatware.