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The birb is improving. 

Also, this fucker bites.


Edit: Also, there is a local wildlife rescue. 

They told me that the birb is just going to waste their resources and that I should just put it down. 


Gotta love this town. 

  1. PlayStation 2
  2. ARikozuM
  3. Speed Weed
  4. Skanky Sylveon
  5. Techstorm970


    What's the whole point of a wildlife rescue if they don't rescue wildlife?!  Coming from a conservative, that's bullsh*t!


    If they couldn't afford it, that would be one thing.  But they said they didn't wanna WASTE the resources, which requires them to have resources to waste in the first place.



  6. Speed Weed

    Speed Weed

    @Cinnabar Sonar What did you do to make this little bird bites you?

    The bird in the picture like: " How did you caught me?" 

  7. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    @Techstorm970 People are fucked up.

    Life in general is fucked up.


    I just suck it up and do what I can do to improve what I see, although admittedly it's not much.

  8. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    Damn that came off as pretentious...

  9. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    @Speed Weed I found the bird lying in the snow.



    This is what it looked like this morning.

  10. Speed Weed