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Everything posted by Eaglerino

  1. It was pay to win with the increased stash sizes, more starting money, and better reputation with the more expensive versions. Fans would huff copium because it wasn't the "pay to get 100 levels instantly" kind of pay to win, but still a large benefit for a new player.
  2. I don't remember ever seeing it either and I've been playing almost since launch (not gonna play anymore obviously)
  3. I'm confused, you wanted Mario Maker 1 on a console that was universally panned but won't buy Mario Maker 2 on one of the most successful consoles of all time? Mario Maker 2 has significantly more features, courses, and players. Wii U was dead on arrival. Mario Maker 2 is Nintendo making up for past mistakes. There's nothing wrong with closing down obsolete game services no one is using anymore
  4. how in the world do you not mind relentless CCP government overreach
  5. The sad part is there still isn't a space game that matches what Star Citizen is capable of. I hoped Starfield would be a lite version of Star Citizen, and it ended up being Outer Worlds with JRPG levels of useless dialogue Star Citizen had to remove a planet at some point because they "ran out of space" or something. I imagine we don't have the current technology to make Star Citizen the way they advertised, or if we do they would have to start all over. Worth it? Which way should they go? I have no idea, but I have a few fond memories in Star Citizen that quite literally could not have happened in any other game, so it was worth the money and brief play time to me
  6. I feel like the people who write posts like this are the same people who complain they have to write 500 words for a paper
  7. what choice do you have when you can easily delete your entire desktop when trying to install Steam? It doesn't matter if he should have read the (very badly worded) error more closely. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11 have never given me the option to delete my entire desktop when I install Steam. And more to the point it's absurd to me Linux was sitting on the tools to get a lot more games running on their OS with a lot less effort but it took a multi-billion dollar company with the profit-incentive of not letting their product fail (Valve) to get it done. The cost of relying on people who work for free, I guess. Linus doesn't have a bias, his videos just showed Linux still sucks
  8. can't trust a word you read on reddit, especially text posts
  9. what are you only allowed to share your views/opinions if you've been apart of the club for 1+ years? lmao
  10. make jellyfin apps that 1: exist and 2: don't suck and i'll switch
  11. some billionaire needs to buy reddit and unshackle the site i'm not talking about the protests
  12. sorry man, not allowing people to freely pirate your games isn't evil. you'd do the exact same thing in Nintendo's position, the difference here is you don't have a long list of IP worth a truck load of money worth protecting Should Nintendo release these games on their own platform? Sure, they already do on the Switch for a lot of old, popular titles. I wish they would do more. But seriously on what planet do you deserve to play Nintendo games on a competitor console? Nintendo wants money. They by and large deserve it with how high quality their games are compared to most competitors. They want you buying their games on their platform, not pirating them on a competitor platform. Truthfully I'm astounded these Xbox emulators survived this long
  13. It is by legal definition piracy to play an emulated ROM from any company that the company did not sell you. Sure, would it be better for Nintendo to release an official emulator software and ROM store that everyone can buy? Of course, but it's not gonna happen. Nintendo has and always will be protective of their IP. You would be too if yours was as valuable as theirs.
  14. GDC is for industry in trade, E3 was always for showing off their games to sell to gamers
  15. They also advertised it as what looked like an add on for the Wii for like 2 years, and named it the Wii U, which made people think it belonged to the Wii. I remember telling my friends I bet their next system would be a hybrid console/handheld because the gamepad was close to that, even though it disconnected easily and the battery didn't last very long and it was heavy. Then the switch came out and Nintendo made up for it
  16. How many of you who claim this would successfully pass a blind test? Because for the most part audiophiles always fail blind tests
  17. user reviews maybe, absolutely no chance for mainstream critics. looks fun enough for a $30-40 price though
  18. A Chinese copycat of Adobe Premiere enticed users with a lifetime option, and when they realized they can ditch it and make more money because of their increased popularity, they do. Not really surprising
  19. When's the last time a big-boy merger actually got blocked? I feel like the merger will get approved in a week or two regardless